Taurus is the second astrological sign of the zodiac. Those born approximately between the dates of April 21st through May 20th are said to have been born in the sign of Taurus as these are the dates the sun appears to travel through Taurus or between the 30th and 59th degree of celestial longitude. Taurus is a fixed-sign.
Taurus Personality
Those born while the sun is in the sign of Taurus tend to be stable, stubborn and loyal. Taureans are practical and are happiest when they have a project to work on. They are generally friendly, polite and accommodating, but if pushed too far are a force to be reckoned with. Once that line is crossed, they do tend to hold a grudge, but are not vindictive. Taureans enjoy material comforts and tend to accumulate stuff.
Gift Guide
Taureans are sensual and practical. They enjoy the finer things in life and a bit of pampering. They prefer to have tangible things that they can see and hold, especially things that can be used again and again.Things that engage multiple senses are especially appreciated.
See also Synastry
Taurus is considered to be most compatible with the other Earth signs; virgo and Capricorn and also with water signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces and less compatible with air signs and fire signs
Taurus Correspondences
Planet Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus and also the moon
Element Taurus is aligned with the energy of earth
Stones Sapphire, Emerald, Turquoise, Jade
Metal Copper
Animals the bull
Season Springtime
Body Part Throat, neck, ears
Taurus in Magic and Horary
Taurus supports the sort of stability that comes from having healthy, fertile livestock, a verdant garden, plenty of willing help and the means to keep it all going. When the moon is in Taurus, this is the best time to work magic related to love (the stable sort, think marriage and family), large purchases - especially real estate and tools, general material gain, career or long-term financial stability, any kind of stability, any kind of material increase including in your garden. This is also a good time for healing magic related to the body parts ruled by Taurus which include the throat, neck and ears.
Gardening by the Moon in Taurus
Taurus is a productive Earth sign. When the moon is in Taurus is an excellent time for planting and transplanting. During the waning, third quarter phase, between the full moon and the fourth quarter is the best time for root vegetables and is also good for perennials and bulbs and transplanting anything. When the moon is waxing in Taurus, it's a good time for planting any seeds that grow above the ground. The first quarter is best for leafy greens and grains, (spinach, lettuce and cabbage are particularly fond of Taurus) the second quarter for fruits (including fruits that pose as vegetables, like squash tomatoes and peppers).
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Hi,my birthday is 29 april….I met a guy Scorpio 5 years ago,and….till now we are fighting for…nothing…he confirm me again and again that he is not in love with me….even he was verbaly very brutal with me and I said him that because we have not NOTHING in comun,IT is better to finish….after a while,he re-apears again and again….I want to know:what is this,just karma?He express himself that he wants just sex with me and I refused him every time.What next??He will revenge,he will Be able to Love me for WHO am I or just for my taurian body??I need LOVE…..
You need to either banish him from your life or perform a cleansing ritual bath while visualizing cutting all cords between you and him, or both. If you still think of him a lot after that, get yourself a composition book, write a letter to him every day for 9 days, on the 10th day burn the book. If after 9 days you still feel like you have more to say, you can continue writing in it for as long as it takes to say everything you're thinking but in the end, burn the book. Then repeat your ritual bath and/or banishing spell and move on.