Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac beginning with the Vernal Equinox. It is a Cardinal sign represented by the constellation of the Ram. The Sun is in Aries from on or about March 21 to about April 19th.
The New Moon is in Aries when it falls between about March 21st and April 19th, when the sun is in Aries.
The Full Moon is in Aries when the Sun is in Libra, between about September 24th through October 23rd.
Aries Correspondences
Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. Its ruling element is Fire.
Archetype The Warrior
Colors red/scarlet, orange, white, pink
Stones ruby, red jasper, garnet, bloodstone
Herbs geranium, gorse, sage, tiger lily, thistle, wild rose, chestnut, holly
Animals ram, owl, bull, magpie, robin, tiger, leopard
Gender Masculine
Related Dieties Ares, Hunga, Amun-Ra
Related Legends Helle and Phrixus, The Golden Fleece
Aries in Magick
Aries energy supports magic for courage, leadership, authority, persons in power, military, police and other law enforcement and willpower. Aries supports healing efforts for the head and brain.
New Moon in Aries As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries is a great sign for new beginnings, especially if you want to start with a bang or you are taking a totally different and new direction that takes you outside your comfort zone or striking out on your own for the first time. The new moon is also a great time for beginning new projects, so bonus!
Full Moon in Aries Is great for charging all magical weapons and for charging yourself or a loved one with courage and positive energy to take on daunting challenges. This is also a great time to cast protection spells for loved ones in the military.
Divine Astrological Correspondences
Classical Planetary Correspondences
Zodiac Correspondences
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