Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart was born Diana Moore in Long Beach California on May 27, 1948 and died after a long battle with cancer on May 13, 2014. She left behind her a long legacy including several projects in partnership with her husband Oberon Zell-Ravenheart. She was a priestess of his Church of All Worlds and an editor for its journal The Green Egg. They founded the Research Association to study criptids, such as mermaids and unicorns.
Morning Glory was an early champion for polyamory marriage was polyamorous and included between three and five members at any time and her article A Bouquet of Lovers: Strategies for Responsible Open Relationships is credited with first introducing the term "poly-amoury" and remains relevant to those who engage in polyamorous relationships.
Throughout her life, Morning Glory collected Goddess images gathered from all corners of the world. She spent her last conscious moments telling her loved ones stories about the images in her collection so that they could be properly cataloged and the Goddess Legacy Project was created to help make her final wishes come true.
Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart wrote the book Creating Circles and Ceremonies in cooperation with her husband Oberon.
See also The Morning Glory Zell Foundation to create a Pagan conference center and eco-village, library and museum to house Morning Glory's Goddess collection.
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