Deanna Conway, a prolific New Age and Occult author who wrote under the name D.J. Conway was born in Oregon in 1939. She began writing New Age non-fiction in the 1990s and released over 35 fiction and nonfiction titles and short stories and was involved in the creation of three tarot decks during her career. D.J. Conway died on February 1, 2019.

Although Conway's work was often criticized for its lack of historical accuracy and her tendency to claim unverifiable facts and lore, it was immensely popular due to her skill as a writer and her accessible style. Her works introduced many new magic users to the more practical side of magic with clear language, detailed techniques and inspiring rituals though it also left many confused about history and established traditions. She was voted best New Age and Wiccan Author by Silver Chalice magazine in 1998 and her first book, Celtic Magic sold more than 300,000 copies and is still in print nearly 30 years later. D.J. Conway is a significant voice in the magical community and her effect will be felt for years to come.

In Memorium

From the Wild Hunt

Published Works

Dragon Magick (Llewellyn) (to be published in August 2019)
Celtic Magic (Llewellyn's World Magic Series) (1990)

Norse Magick (World Magic Series) (1990) (Llewellyn)
Dancing with Dragons: Invoke Their Ageless Wisdom and Power (1994) (Llewellyn)
The Ancient and Shining Ones (1995) (Llewellyn's World Magic Series)
Maiden, Mother, Crone: The Myth & Reality of the Triple Goddess (1995) (Llewellyn)
Animal Magick: The Art of Recognizing and Working with Familiars (1995) (Llewellyn)
Astral Love: Romance, Ecstasy & Higher Consciousness (1995) (Llewellyn's Tantra & Sexual Arts Series)
Falcon Feather, Valkyrie Sword (1996) (Llewellyn's Women's Spirituality Series)
Magickal, Mythical, Mystical Beasts: How to Invite Them Into Your Life (1996) (Llewellyn)
Lord of Light and Shadow: The Many Faces of the God (1997) (Llewellyn's World Religion and Magic Series)
Magick of the Gods and Goddesses: How to Invoke Their Powers (1997) (Llewellyn)
The Mysterious, Magickal Cat: The Magick of Claw & Whisker (1998) (Llewellyn)
Perfect Love: Finding Intimacy on the Astral Plane (Llewellyn) (1998)
Laying On Of Stones with Brian Ed Conway (1999) (Crossing Press)
Crystal Enchantments: A Complete Guide to Stones with Brian Ed Conway (1999) (Crossing Press)
Feminine Shamanism, Witchcraft and Magick: Invoking Woman's Power with Kimberly Nightingale (2000) (Llewellyn)
[ Advanced Celtic Shamanism (2000) (Crossing Press)
A Little Book of Candle Magic (2000) (Crossing Press)
The Little Book of Pendulum Magic (2000) (Crossing Press]
The Celtic Book of Names: Traditional Names From Ireland, Scotland and Wales (2000) (Citadel)
A Little Book of Altar Magic (2001) (Crossing Press)
A Little Book of Healing Magic (2002) (Crossing Press)
Flying Without a Broom: Astral Projection & the Astral World (2002) (Llewellyn)
By Oak, Ash & Thorn: Modern Celtic Shamanism (2002) (Llewellyn's Celtic Wisdom Series)
Moon Magick: Myth & Magic, Crafts & Recipes, Rituals & Spells (Llewellyn's Practical Magick Series) (2002) (Llewellyn)
The Dream Warrior Trilogy (Fiction) (1997- 2002)
Wicca: The Complete Craft (2001)
Magickal Mermaids and Water Creatures: Invoke the Magick of the Waters (2004) (New Page Books)
Elemental Magick: Meditations, Exercises, Spells And Rituals to Help You Connect With Nature (2005) (New Page Books)
The Ancient Art of Faery Magick (2005) (Crossing Press)
Mystical Dragon Magic: Teachings of the Five Inner Rings (2007) (Llewellyn)
Guides, Guardians and Angels: Enhance Relationships with Your Spiritual Companions (2009) (Llewellyn)
Standing on the Edge: A Wiccan Couple's Experiences with Cancer, Near-Death Experiences, and the Otherworld (Autobiographical) With Charles Conway and others (2012)
The Broken Spell (Fiction) (2013)

Tarot Decks

Celtic Dragon Tarot - with Lisa Hunt: (Llewellyn) (1999)
Shapeshifter Tarot - with Sirona Knight (Llewellyn) (2002)
The Fantastical Creatures Tarot with Lisa Hunt (2007) (U.S. Games Systems)

See Also

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