The Witches Rune
A chant to be used after casting the Circle to call the Goddess and God
Spell Timing:
Any time you practice Magick in a circle
Suggested Tools:
Your voice
The Witches Rune
Adapted from Gerald Gardner & Doreen Valiente
Darksome Night and shining Moon,
East then South, then West then North,
Harken to the Witches Rune,
Here I come to call thee forth.
Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell,
With Horned Hunter of the night,
Lend your Power unto my Spell,
Work my Will by Magick Rite.
By all the Power of Land and Sea,
By all the might of Moon and Sun,
As I do Will so mote it be,
Chant the Spell and it be done:
(Chant the following thrice)
Ecko, Ecko Azerak,
Ecko, Ecko Zomelak,
Ecko, Ecko Cernunnos,
Ecko, Ecko Aradia.
Additional Comments:
Since the inception of Gardnerian Wicca and the subsequent release of the Of Shadows that served the Coven Gerald Gardener & Doreen Valentine founded The Witches Rune has been rewritten/reinterpreted countless times. The version I have presented here has proven to be the most accurate, concise and effective for me personally, please (as with all things Craft Related) feel free to edit, add or change it to what Feels right for you.
Spell Origin:
A variation on the original Witches Rune from the Book Of Shadows of Gerald Gardener & Doreen Valentine
Originally posted by FraterAC, 25 Mar, 2013. Reposted after web port by Morningbird with hopes that FraterAC will continue to share on the new site!
My High Priestess was 4th Generation from Gerald Gardner; the version she taught us was almost exactly the same as this. When used properly in an Initiated Circle it's tremendously powerful, and does indeed call the Ancient Ones - and should therefore be used with caution, respect and humility.
I was curious to know why heaven and hell are used in this, as I thought they were more of a Christian ideology.
I mean no disrespect but I am new and still doing my research.
I didn't put this here, as I am not Wiccan and this isn't something I would use. But I have two answers for you that you can take or leave as you will. Generally, the word "Heaven" refers to the sky and the word "Hell" refers to the Underworld where the dead reside. It has nothing to do with eternal reward, torment, damnation or anything like that. My second point is, though it doesn't relate to this specifically, that witchcraft is not an religion, it is a craft. It exists in across cultures regardless of religion. There are many modern spells with Christian theology in them and many modern magico-religious traditions that have a great deal of Christian influence. Many of the old (Medieval, Renaissance, Victorian) Grimoires are heavy on the Abrahamic tradition and I have heard it said and seen it written more than once that the Bible is, itself, a Grimoire if you know how to look at it.
Is this for any Goddess and God in general?
There are specific Gods named in the chant.