
Welcome to the Witchipedia's glossary of occult terms. Here you will find terms often used in the Pagan, Heathen, magical and occult communities that may confuse a newcomer. This encyclopedia of magical terminology is a wonderful place to get started if you don't know where to start in the Witchipedia. If you don't see the term you are looking for here, feel free to bring your question to the community in our forums or Ask A Witch!


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We have 331 terms listed in our glossary with more being added each day.

What you see on this page is the titles and first paragraph of the articles in our occult glossary whose titles begin with the letter F. To view the full article, please click on the title. You will also be able to comment, ask questions and add more information to the article once you've navigated to its page.


A familiar is a magic-user's spiritual helper manifest in animal form. For many it takes on the appearance of a common household pet and many have reported the same spirit returning time as a household pet, moving from the body of the elder pet as it passes on, into the body of a younger pet who is brought into the household. These spirits do not always take the form or a pet, however. Medieval texts describe some familiars that were humanoid or even monstrous in appearance but in all cases...


When one refers to feminine energy in a magical or spiritual context, one is referring to energy that is passive and yielding versus masculine energy which is said to be active and penetrating. This is similar to the Eastern concept of yin and yang. In magick, the feminine mind refers to the unconscious mind. This mind takes in everything and remembers everything, yet remains seemingly passive, though it exerts itself in the form of phobias, deeply held faith and instinctive wisdom. It is...


A fetish is an object designed to house a spirit being. Traditionally, a fetish is the physical representation of an honored spirit, for example an ancestor, deity or spirit guide, thus creating a physical and often (but not always) portable object for the bearer to interact with as they would the spirit-being they wish to honor, presenting it offerings, praying to it, with the understanding that the interaction is not with an inanimate object, but with the spirit that resides inside. In turn,...

fire bowl

A fire bowl is a receptacle for containing a fire. It is usually raised up on a stand, bowl-shaped and open on top. A fire bowl is a useful item for magic-users who wish to incorporate fire into their rituals without building a fire outdoors on the ground. Small fire bowls can be used on a table top while large fire bowls, often marketed as portable fire pits, can be used on the ground or on a patio. Fire bowls can be used to create atmosphere, for burning incense, resins, aromatic herbs and...

Fire Sign

A fire sign is a zodiac sign that corresponds to the element of fire. These signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Fire signs tend to be impulsive and prone to sudden flashes of inspiration. They will pursue their passions with relentless enthusiasm. They are also prone to boredom and frustration and flares of temper.

Fixed Sign

Fixed signs fixed signs occur midway between the equinoxes and solstices and come into play when the seasons are already well underway and represent perseverance. In Astrology individuals under these signs are said to be characterized by stubborn persistence, stability, loyalty and the need to be right. They will persevere toward their chosen goal against all obstacles, only changing course when there remains no choice but to do so. There is one fixed sign for each element and season. Fixed...

Fluffy Bunny

The term fluffy bunny originated within the Wiccan community and is generally used in a derogatory manner to refer to someone who self-identifies as a Wiccan or a witch but does not seem serious enough or knowledgeable enough to other, more experienced members of the community. Generally, the fluffy bunnies have based their practice on only the most delightful aspects of their spiritual path or romanticized, fictional Hollywood or literary accounts of witchcraft or Wicca. The name fluffy bunny...

Folk magick

Folk magick or folk magic refers to the collection of magical practices and associated beliefs common to the working class of a particular community or culture. Folk magic is invariably of a practical nature, or low magick, intended to bring about a real, physical change in the life of the practitioner or their client or target; healing diseases of people and animals, smoothing over disagreements and sweetening dispositions, increasing fertility of crops, livestock and women wishing to conceive,...


A fumigant is an herb, resin or chemical that is burned to produce smoke for purification or pest repelling purposes. See fumigation


Fumigation in modern common practice is about pesticide removal, but the historical use of the word was something closer to purification by smoke or of making aromatic smoke for medical treatment or as an offering in a spiritual context. From the Latin fumigare to smoke , noun. fumus smoke, fumes The ancient use of the word is not so far removed as the modern usage as it may seem at first glance. The removal of vermin was often an important part of curing and preventing disease and purifying...

The Full Moon

The full moon occurs approximately every 29.53 days on about the 14th -17th lunar day when the entire moon is visible from Earth because it is on the opposite side of the Earth from the sun. If the moon passes through the Earth's shadow during this time, a lunar eclipse occurs. This happens about every six months. 1 Full Moon Folklore A child born on the day of the full moon will have a long, healthy, prosperous life. If you fall ill on the day of the full moon, you may be sick for a long time...

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