October is the 10th month of the Julian and Gregorian calendars with a length of 31 days. The name October means 8th month in Latin as it was the 8th month of the year according to the old Roman Calendar which began in March. In the Northern Hemisphere, October is one of the most active months for the magickal community.
Other names: Anglo Saxon Winterfylleth - Winter moon
The Sun and Moon in October
First part of October the sun is in Libra and the second part of October the sun is in Scorpio. The new moon will be in whichever sign the sun is in at the time.
The full moon in October is the Harvest Moon if it is closest to the autumnal equinox. Otherwise it is the Hunter's Moon. It may also be called The Blood Moon, The Sanguine Moon, The Travel Moon, The Dying Moon. If it takes place in the first part of October, the full moon will be in Aries. If it takes place in the latter part of the month, when the moon is in Scorpio, it will be in Pisces.
October Correspondences
Birthstone: Pink tourmaline and opal
Birth Flower: Calendula
Events in October
Oktoberfest, Samhain (in some traditions) and Halloween
You can find some suggested names for Pagan children born in the month of October at http://pagannames.witchipedia.com/hub:october
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