The month of March is the 3rd month of the Julian and Gregorian Calendars but was originally the first month of the Roman calendar year, called Martius named for Mars, one of the most important Gods of the Roman state.

Other Names for the Month of March

Anglo Saxon - Hlyd Monath "stormy month" or Hraed Monath "rugged month"

Symbols of March

Stone: Bloodstone
Flower: Jonquil or Narcissus, Shamrock
Animals: Hare or rabbit, Lamb, Lion

The Sky in March

The Sun is in the sign of Pisces at the start of March and enters Aries on the 20th, 21st or 22nd. The New moon in March will be in Pisces if it occurs before the sun moves into Aries, and in Aries after.

The full moon in March may be called the Storm Moon, the Worm Moon, the Full Crust Moon, The Full Crow Moon, The Lenten Moon or the Sap Moon. In the Northeastern parts of North America, it is Maple Sugar season! The full moon will be in the sign of Virgo in the first part of the month, or in the sign of Libra if it occurs in the latter part of the month.

Weather Lore

When March comes in like a lion, it goes out like a lamb
(But Leo rises in the East when march begins and Ares sets in the West as it ends.)

So many mists in March you see, So many frosts in May will be.

A wet March, a wet spring

As it rains in March, so it shall in June

A dry March and a wet May fills the barns with with corn and hay.

Notable Days in March

Anna Perenna March 15th
Mamuralia March 14th or 15th
Saint Patrick's Day March 17th
Ostara/Eostre/Vernal Equinox - March 20th, 21st or 22nd
Lady Day - March 25
The Ides of March - March 15th, the date of the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44BC and considered an unlucky day by many
The Borrowing Days - March 28, 29, 30

March borrowit from April
Three days, and they were ill:
The first was frost, the second was snaw,
The third was cauld as ever't could blaw.
–Scottish proverb

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