August is the eighth month of the Gregorian and Julian Calendars. It was originally called Sextilis, as it was the sixth month of the Roman Calendar year but it was renamed by the Roman Senate to honor Caesar Augustus in the year 8 BCE because he had three great triumphs during this month, including his conquest of Egypt and had brought an end to a civil war.
The Moon in August
The full moon in the month of August will occur in either the sign of Pisces if it occurs early in the month, or Aries if it occurs later in the month.
Full Moon Names "Celtic" Tree Moon - either Holly or Hazel, Celtic - Dispute Moon. Native American(Various) - Full Sturgeon Moon, Green Corn Moon, Grain Moon, Red Moon, Fruit Moon, Women's Moon, Colonial American - Dog Day Moon. Other - Lightening Moon, Thunder Moon, Storm Moon
The new moon in August will be in the sign of Leo if it occurs early in the month or the sign of Virgo if it occurs later in the month.
Also in the Sky
The Perseid meteor shower reaches its peak in the middle of August.
Other Calendars
Celtic Tree Calendar, Holly Month, Hazel Month
The Anglo Saxon Name for August is Weod monath, or Weed Month in reference to the strong growth of all plants during this time.
The Irish name for the month of August is LĂșnasa
Symbols of the Month of August
Birthstone for August: Peridot or Sardonyx
Birthflower for August: Gladiolus or Poppy
Folklore for August
The first of August marks the beginning of the harvest season in earnest.
"After Lammas Day, corn ripens as much by night as by day."
August Weather Lore
As August, So February
(I assume this references precipitation, I can't imagine it has anything to do with temperature.)
Observe on what day in August the first heavy fog occurs, and expect a hard frost on the same day in October.
If the first week of August is unusually warm, winter will be snowy and long.
If a cold August follows a hot July, It foretells a Winter hard and dry.
For every fog in August, There will be a snowfall in Winter.
Pagan and Heathen Feast Days in August
Lughnassadh in the Northern Hemisphere Imbolc in the southern Hemisphere, August 1st
Freyfaxi, August 1st
Lammas, August 1st
Feast of Pomona
Day of Rey Radbod
Festival of the Dryads
Vinalia Rustica
Vulcanalia, August 23rd
Opiconsivia, August 25th
Volturnalia, August 27th
Other Notable Days in August
August is a popular time for performing arts festivals
The Edinburgh Festival in Scotland has been held in August since 1947
The Green Man Festival is held in the Black Mountains in Wales
The Royal National Eisteddfod in Wales is held during the last week of August
And other fun gatherings
The Society for Creative Anachronism gather for The Pennsic War in August
La Tomatina, the world's largest food fight, takes place in Spain in August
Burning Man Festival is held the last week of August
Sacred Harvest Festival
cat nights
dog days
These countries celebrate their Independence in August- Jamaica, Singapore, India, Pakistan
Mount Vesuvius erupted, burying Pompeii on August 24th 79BCE
Some of Ireland's most famous battles were fought in August.
World War I began in August
World War II ended in August
August is
National Immunization Awareness Month (USA)
National Water Quality Month
National Psoriasis Awareness Month
National Goat Cheese Month
American Adventures Month
Audio Appreciation Month
Black Business Month
Cataract Awareness Month
Children's Eye Health and Safety Month
Children's Vision and Learning Month
Get Ready for Kindergarten Month
Neurosurgery Outreach Month
Panini Month
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month
What Will be Your Legacy Month
Win With Civility Month
Family Fun Month
Catfish Month
Peach Month
National Picnic Month
The first week of August is World Breastfeeding Week
Related Pages
Second harvest
First Harvest
Divine Astrological Correspondences
Isaac Bonewits
Celtic Tree Calendar
Blue Moon
The Full Moon
New Moon
Julian Calendar
The Gregorian Calendar
Have something to add, or a question?
The following is completely irrelevant to magickal matters:
National Immunization Awareness Month (USA)
National Water Quality Month
National Psoriasis Awareness Month
National Goat Cheese Month
American Adventures Month
Audio Appreciation Month
Black Business Month
Cataract Awareness Month
Children's Eye Health and Safety Month
Children's Vision and Learning Month
Get Ready for Kindergarten Month
Neurosurgery Outreach Month
Panini Month
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month
What Will be Your Legacy Month
Win With Civility Month
Family Fun Month
Catfish Month
Peach Month
National Picnic Month
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