Tourmaline Description and Natural History
Tourmaline is a semi-precious crystal composed of boron and silica with the addition of various other minerals that create the many different colors and varieties of tourmaline available and its name, from Sinhalla (the language of Sri Lanka) toramalli meaning "mixed gems" reflects this. Because tourmaline does come in so many different colors, it has been historically been misidentified as other, more well-known minerals quite often and some different varieties of tourmaline were considered to be different minerals altogether.
Tourmaline is often found with granite and in deposits of metamorphic rocks.
Tourmaline in History and Folklore
Tourmaline was called the Ceylonese Magnet because it has pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties- it because electrically charged, and magnetic, when rubbed or heated. The Dutch name Aschentrekker "ash mover" referred to the fact that, if you left it near the fire for a bit, its pyromagnetism would begin to act on the ashes, either repelling or attracting them.
In the 19th century, chemists used tourmaline to polarize light by shining rays of light onto its polished surface.
Tourmaline Correspondences and Lore
Element: Water
Planet: Pinke: Venus, others Saturn
God(dess)es: Black: Manat, Cybele, Aradia
Zodiac: Birthstone for Leo or Libra
Tourmaline is the state mineral of Maine and Pink tourmaline is a birthstone for October and the traditional gift for the 8th wedding anniversary.
Tourmaline for Magick
Black tourmaline (schrol) is a talismanic stone said to protect the user from demons and negative energies while performing magickal work. It is also worn to help minimize the wearer's own negative thoughts and doubts and encourage positive action as well as a general protectant against miasma and environmental pollutants. It is also useful for spells involving self-confidence, personal power, rational thinking and decision making, promoting a clear view of reality (through illusion and deception) and for spells related to revealing the cause of trouble, or the person at the root of it. Black tourmaline makes a wonderful scrying stone.
Brown tourmaline (dravite) is a powerful grounding stone. Helps to see things as they really are (beyond illusion and deception) to face reality, of situations as well as of feelings about them. Brown tourmaline is a useful ally for spells related to summoning up the courage to face troublesome problems head on.
Blue tourmaline (indicolite) improves communication abilities and soothes stress, making it a wonderful amulet for those who must speak to the public. It also encourages kindness and tolerance, which are also helpful in communicating. It can also be used in spells for releasing the past to make way for the future.
Red tourmaline (rubellite) can be used to help overcome challenging situations, especially interpersonal challenges.
Pink tourmaline stimulates the heart chakra. It is calming and joyful and may be used to draw love and joy to you.
Green tourmaline can be used to help overcome bad habits, fears and other challenges and can be used generally to promote courage and personal strength.
Watermelon tourmaline combines the energies of pink and green tourmaline. May be worn or otherwise used to attract joy and to balance male and female energies.
Tourmalated quartz is a white or clear quartz crystal with threads of black tourmaline running through it. This is a potent good luck charm that can be carried or used in spells when a bit of extra luck is needed to manifest a specific desire. It is also used to help cleanse the aura and space of negative energy.
Tourmaline for Healing
Black tourmaline (schrol) can be worn to protect very sensitive people from being affected by the negative energies of others. It can also be used to prevent and sooth panic attacks, especially those triggered by situational phobias. Hold black tourmaline in your hand for a few minutes to ground and focus yourself in preparation for a dreaded task or after a stressful interaction.
Brown tourmaline (dravite) is soothing and may be used to help bring about calm during ongoing stressful situations.
Blue tourmaline (indicolite) is calming and helps to release issues that cause emotional stress. It may be useful for stress headaches and migraines.
Red tourmaline (rubellite) may be used to help heal emotional wounds and fear of relationships/commitment.
Pink tourmaline may be used to heal emotional wounds and for general relief of stress. Use to heal a broken heart.
Green tourmaline may be used to support efforts to increase physical strength and stamina.
Watermelon tourmaline Combines the energies of pink and green tourmaline.
Tourmalated quartz may be used in cases of depression and dealing with suppressed memories and other issues that have been buried in the psyche.
See Also
Please note: None of the information provided on the Witchipedia is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or disorder and is provided for the purposes of folkloric interest only. If you are suffering from any sort of malaise, you are encouraged to seek personal advice from a qualified practitioner.
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