Natural History
Fossilized wood found throughout the world.
History and Folklore
The ancient Greeks wore jet to honor Cybele.
Jet was popular as mourning jewelry worn in the Victorian period. Queen Victoria wore it when she was in mourning for Prince Albert.
Wives have carried jet to protect their sailor husbands ever since the Vikings first set sail.
Angel: Cassiel
Gods/Goddesses: Pan, Cybele
Chakra: Root
Element: earth, Akasha
Astrological Sign: Capricorn
Planet: Saturn;
Sabbat: samhain
Tarot: Devil.
Jet is considered to be quite protective. Placing a piece of jet to face the outer door of your home or business will keep negative energies away.
The burning of jet is said to banish ghosts, demons, and spirits.
Is traditionally set in silver.
Healing and Magickal Uses
Body: Relieves pain. Reduces swelling and inflammation.
Mind: Protects against anxiety. Relieves sorrow and fear. Balances mood swings.
Magick: Protects against psychic vampires. Guards against violence. Protects against nightmares. Can be used to open a doorway to other dimensions.
Care and Cleansing
suffumigate often to cleanse or use a singing bowl. Bury in the Earth to recharge. Do not give away once you have worn it as it is said to absorb part of the soul of its owner.
See Also
Please note: None of the information provided on the Witchipedia is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or disorder and is provided for the purposes of folkloric interest only. If you are suffering from any sort of malaise, you are encouraged to seek personal advice from a qualified practitioner.
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