Chalcedony is a form of silica (silicon dioxide) made up of quartz and moganite. It may be semi-transparent or translucent and comes in a variety of colors known by different names including agate, aventurine, carnelian, chrysoprase, bloodstone, mtorolite, onyx and moss agate.
History and Folklore
Chalcedony in its various forms has been used since the bronze age to create various decorative pieces. Since it doesn't stick to wax, it makes excellent seals.
Chalcedony in Healing and Magic
Chalcedony is ruled by the moon and the element of water. Its energy is female or receptive in nature. It is best held or worn on the hand as a ring or bracelet.
Mind: Chalcedony may be used to banish fear, hysteria, depression and sadness and to promote peaceful and generous feelings. It is used to see past illusions and to overcome fear of the dark and dispel night terrors (wear around the neck for this).
Body: Beads of white chalcedony may be worn to increase lactation.
Magick: Chalcedony may be used for protection during times of political upheaval and to prevent accidents while traveling. It also wards against psychic attack and hexes. Engraved with the image of a man with an upraised hand, chalcedony may be worn to ensure a favorable outcome to a civil court case.
See Also
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