Natural History
Amethyst is clear quartz with iron inside that makes it appear purple. It is the most common quartz you will see in fine jewelry. The color ranges from pale lavender to deep purple. Amethyst is mined in Canada, the US, Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Argentina, Zambia, Namibia and Australia. Australian amethyst tends to be darkest and rarest, while South American amethyst is available in much larger numbers.
History and Folklore
According to Greek lore, Dionysus was angry one day and swore that he would exact his revenge on the next mortal that came by. He created several tigers, informed him of their mission and went his way. As it would happen, a lovely young girl named Amethyst was the next to come by, on her way to pay homage to Artemis and was attacked. Artemis quickly changed the girl into a statue of solid quartz. When Dionysus returned to see what he had wrought, he was overcome with remorse and wept tears of purple wine which flowed over the statue, staining it permanently.
The Greek word "amethystos" means "not drunk". Wine goblets were often carved from this stone to prevent drunkenness.
Amethyst's purple color has resulted in much demand for it for jewelry making throughout history. It was worn by royalty throughout Europe and Egypt.
Leonardo Da Vinci believed that amethyst had the power to drive away evil thoughts and quicken the intelligence.
Celibacy, piety, sobriety, luck, marital fidelity, protection from baneful spells, prevention of home-sickness,
Sacred to Buddha, Dionysus, Bacchus, Diana, Artemis
February birthstone
Amethyst is named by various sources as a birthstone for Pisces, Aries, and Aquarius
Catholic Bishops once wore (some still wear) amethyst rings to symbolize their piety and celibacy. Rosaries are also often fashioned from this stone.
Spiritual and Magical Uses
Amethyst is an excellent focal point for meditation or as a scrying tool. It can be used for mysteries and meditations regarding any spiritual matter, especially death and rebirth.
Worn or placed over a patient, it helps to cleanse, purify and heal the mind, body and spirit. It helps to balance emotions and prevents nightmares and irrational fears.
It is useful in spells to help let go of addictions.
It is often used to tip wands used for healing and amethyst spheres are excellent for scrying.
See Also
Please note: None of the information provided on the Witchipedia is intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease or disorder and is provided for the purposes of folkloric interest only. If you are suffering from any sort of malaise, you are encouraged to seek personal advice from a qualified practitioner.
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My Name is Carly. First i just want to say I love your web site! its so very very helpful! but im just wondering how do you cleanse an amethyst
Hi Carly,
I personally cleanse my amethyst in a bowl of salt water under moonlight. Hope this helps.
Use selinite crystals
Thx this helped me for a school project actually lol
I am planning on wearing an amethyst necklace. how will it help me spiritually in everyday life? i have been practicing Draconic wicca for about a year now.
I believe it will help you stay focused and clear-headed and help you see through everyday illusions to the truth as well as maintaining a certain level of calm in order to carefully evaluate information to make logical (rather than overly emotional) decisions that represent the best interest of all involved. It helps to have these goals in mind while wearing it.
Keeping crystals with natural Citrine or Blue Kyanite will cleanse them, as these crystals don't need to be cleansed themselves. <3