
Alexandrite is a form of chrysoberyl that contains chromium giving it a unique color that changes from yellow, pink, blue or green in natural light to red or reddish purple in incandescent or firelight. They are among the rarest and most valuable gemstones in the world.

According to the lore, Alexandrite was discovered on the 21st birthday of Tzar Alexander II of Russia and named for him.

Healing with Alexandrite

Alexandrite is a great healing stone that helps with tissue regeneration, purifies the blood and strengthens the circulatory system and helps heal damage to the nervous system. Wearing alexandrite is said to help bring about a calm and peaceful state of mind.

Alexandrite in Magick

Alexandrite is useful for getting in touch with one's higher self, increases psychic awareness and promotes spiritual growth. It can be worn as a talisman to attract joy, prosperity and good luck for gamblers and it helps ensure a long life. It also helps boost the wearer's creativity and imagination.

For protection, alexandrite should be worn on the left hand or wrist. Wear as a necklace or pin to the chest to help balance emotions and keep focused. Wear in the ears for sound, clear-headed decision-making.

Alexandrite Correspondences

Element: Water
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Chakras: heart, solar plexus, crown

See Also

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