Diana -The name Diana comes from Latin divios meaning "heavenly" or "divine".
Faunus -Faunus is the ancient Italic agricultural God who watched over the fertility of flocks and fields who was adopted by the ancient Romans and identified with the Greek God Pan. He is also associated with wolves and the protection of flocks from their predation.
Janus -The ancient Roman God Janus, or more properly Ianus, is the God of beginnings, endings, transitions, times, doorways, gateways, passageways, movement and travelling. He is depicted as having two faces because he sees both the past and the future and is looking both and where you've been and where you're going. He was ritually invoked by the priests at the beginning of each ceremony for all the other Gods as he reigns as guardian of the gates between worlds and thus intermediary between mortals and the divine.
Juno -Juno is the Roman Queen of the Gods, Goddess of women and protectress of the state. She is often associated with the Greek Hera and the Etruscan Goddesses Uni or Cupra. Together with Jupiter and Minerva she was part of the Capitoline Triad of the primary Gods of Rome and is the mother of Mars the tutelary God of Rome. The month June is named for Her and the first day of each month, the Kalends, is dedicated to Her.
Jupiter -In Roman mythology, Jupiter or Jove is the King of the Gods and the God of the sky and thunder. He has been associated with zeus of the Greek Pantheon.
Maia -According to ancient Hellenic Lore, Maia was the eldest and most beautiful of the Pleides, daughters of Atlas and Pleione. She is the mother of Hermes. In Roman lore she is identified with Maia Maiestas.
Mars -Mars was the Tutelary God of ancient Rome, the Roman God of war, and one of the most important Gods in ancient Rome, second only to his father Jupiter. The month of March is named for Him and His feast days are Feriae Marti on March 1st and Armilustrium on October 19
Mercury -The Roman God Mercury, or Mercurius, is a messenger God concerned with trade and profit. His name derives from the Latin word merx which means ''merchandise''.
Pomona -Pomona is a wood nymph, one of the Numia or place spirit, and the Roman Goddess of orchard fruit. Her name comes from the Latin word for fruit, the French word for apple is pomme (derived from the Latin).
Saturn -Saturn or Saturnus is the ancient Roman God of agriculture, the sowing of seeds, wealth, the seasons, cycles of decay and renewal and the passage of time.
The Graces -The Graces, from the Latin Gratiae, or Charities (from the Greek Charis pronounced kh á ris) are the Goddesses of harmony and accord.
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