Mesopotamian Lore
Adad - Adad, Master of the Earth is a Mesopotamian Storm God responsible for the destructive and regenerative powers of nature. The name may come from the Arabic hadda "to break" or haddat "thunder". Adad is the son of either Enlil or Anu and Ki, the twin brother of Enki and the consort of the Goddess Shalla.
Bel - The name Bel comes from the Akkadian bēlu meaning "lord" or "master". It is a title, and an epithet applied to many Gods who may be identified as "Lord" including Enlil, Marduk and Malak. The Feminine form is Belit. Bel is cognate with Ba'al.
Nabu - Nabu is the Babylonian God of wisdom and writing. Nabu writes the will of the Gods on the tablet of each human life.
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