Welcome to our electronic grimoire of herbal lore and wortcunning for Kitchen Witches, Cottage Witches, Green Witches, alchemists, cooks, gardeners, healers, folklorists and others. Here you will find information about individual herbs under the "Herbs" section, information about gardening in general, and crafts and recipes that put magical, healing and culinary herbs to practical use.
Please note that the information provided on this website is for informational and entertainment use only and is not intended to take the place of the advice of a qualified medical practitioner. Because herbal preparations can vary in intensity, their effects can be unpredictable. Report any herbal supplements you decide to use to your physician so that he or she can make informed decisions about your prescriptions as some herbs react to some pharmaceutical drugs. Consult your physician before discontinuing any prescriptions, whether or not you plan to replace them with herbal therapies.
- Alphabetical List of Magickal and Healing Herbs
- Baneful Herbs
- Herbal Oils And Salves
- Herbal Preparations
- Herbs And Magick
- Herbs And Your Health
- Herbs Listed By Botanical Family
- Herbs Listed By Folk Names
- Magickal Gardening
- Nine Herbs Charm
- Threatened Herbs
See Also
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I'm interested in learning about herbalist mixtures involving spirit banishment or ghost exorcism, what would be some herbs used in exorcisms? And or what are some basic herbs that repel apparitions?
I believe sage and frankincense are both used by different traditions.
We use sandalwood to purify an area of negative spirits.
Yes sandalwood will purify spirit but use a mixture of herbs it will be stronger
Blackthorn can be used in exorcisms, purification spells, and creating boundaries to keep out evil/negativity.