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Achilles - Achilles is a hero of hellenic-lore, a major actor in the Trojan War and a main character in Homer's tale of the conflict The Iliad.

Adonia - Adonia was a movable festival that took place in ancient Athens (and possibly Rome) in what is now July or August, traditionally nine days after the 7th new moon of the year, or the 9th of the month of Hekatombion and lasting till the full moon. The fixed date of July 19th is used today by some traditions

Adonis - Adonis is a seasonal life/death/rebirth God associated with Tammuz, Atunis, Baldr, Osiris, Attis and Jesus. The name means “Lord”

Anthesterion - Anthesterion (Ἀνθεστηριών) was the 8th month in the Attic Calendar used by Athenians in during the classic period preceded by Gamelion and followed by Elaphebolion . It roughly falls in the month of February or March of the modern Gregorian Calendar beginning at the first sighting of the new moon.

Aphrodite - Aphrodite is the ancient Greek Goddess of love, beauty, sexual ecstasy, consuming passion of all sorts, fertility, the marriage bed, romantic love, protective love, desire, vengeance for lovers scorned or deceived.

Apollo - Apollo is the ancient Greek God of light, enlightenment, prophecy, plague, medicine, archery, poetry, dance, reason and herds or flocks.

Ares - Ares is the ancient Greek God of War, courage, male virility and strength and one of the Olympian Gods. According to most tradition, Ares is the son of Zeus and Hera though Ovid claims Hera bore him alone (Fasti 5.229)

Arete - Arete (ἀρετή) is a Hellenic virtue meaning "excellence". Arete is about being all you can be, the best at what you are, giving it your all, meeting your potential. The word arete is often translated as "virtue".

Artemis - In Hellenic Lore, ''Artemis'' was the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and the twin sister of Apollo. She was the Hellenic goddess of forests and hills, virginity/fertility, and the hunt and was often depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and arrows. The deer and the cypress were sacred to her. In later Hellenic times she occasionally assumed the ancient role of Eileithyia in aiding childbirth and in Roman times she came to be identified with Diana. It is said that Artemis helped her mother Leto birth Apollo immediately after her own birth.

Artemisia - According to legend, Queen Artemesia of Halicarnassus took the side of Persia during an Ionian revolt that took place around 500 BC. As her husband was dead, she ruled in her own right and commanded her own navy. Finding herself pinned down during the battle of Salamis with Greek ships attacking on one side and Persian ships blocking her way on the other, she made a name for herself by ramming a friendly ship to make her escape, thus confusing the Greeks into thinking she was an ally and confusing the Persian King Xerxes (already frustrated that his navy was floating around in confused circles) into thinking she'd sunk an enemy ship so that he famously declared "My men have become women, and women men". From the Greeks she earned a very high bounty on her head.

Athene - Athene is the Greek Goddess of wisdom, philosophy, strategy, strategic warfare, handcrafts (especially weaving), horses, vehicles, courage, inspiration, civilization, personal strength, justice and skill. She is he protector of clever and loyal women as well as clever and heroic men.

Demeter - Demeter is a Hellenic Mother Goddess, Grain and Harvest Goddess and founder of the Eleusinian Mysteries.

Dionysus - Dionysus or Dionysos is the Greek God of the grape harvest, wine, revelry, festivity, processions, religious ecstasy, madness, drunken violence, epiphany, androgyny, homosexuality, transformation and rebirth after death. He brought viticulture to humanity and this was a major leap in the progress of civilization.

Eros - Eros is the ancient Greek personification of sexual desire. He is mentioned in myth as both the son of Aphrodite and a primordial (Protogenos) God, present in the beginning according to Parmenides1; emerged from Chaos with Gaia and Tartarus according to Hesiod2; or born, along with Gaia and Ouranos of an egg laid by Nyx according to Aristophanes3, and responsible directly or indirectly for all of creation that came after.

Hades - Hades is the Greek God of the Underworld. The name relates to the Doric word Aidas meaning “unseen”. He was also known as Plouton meaning “rich one” as his domain also includes all of the minerals that can be found beneath the ground and the riches they represent.

Hebe - Hebe is the ancient Greek Goddess of youth, the daughter of Hera and Zeus, as well as the wife to Heracles. Hebe was the Cupbearer of Olympus, serving nectar and ambrosia to the Gods and Goddesses, until she was married to Heracles. Her successor was Zeus' lover Ganymede.

Hecate - For many modern witchcraft traditions, Hecate is a Dark Goddess and associated with the spirits of the dead, ghosts, the dark of the moon, baneful herbs, curses and black magic. For others, Hecate is the Crone Goddess, ruling over the third stage of a woman's life, that beyond her childbearing years when she can focus on deepening the skills and information collected throughout her lifetime, when knowledge and experience is refined into wisdom. Historically, Hecate has served many roles. She is an incredibly ancient Goddess with origins lost in the mists of time.

Hellenic - The term Hellenic refers to all things Greek, usually referring to ancient Greek deities, religion, culture, cosmology, tradition, etc. when used within the Pagan community.

Hera - Hera, Queen of Heaven
Hera ( Ἥρα), Hēra is one of the Olympian Gods, the Greek Sky Goddess of women and marriage and the wife of Zeus, the King of the Gods. Hera is associated with the Roman Goddess Juno.

Hermes - Hermes is the multifaceted messenger of the Gods. He is the Watcher at the Gates, a Thief in the Night, the mischievous God of Luck and the Psychopomp who guides souls to the afterworld, and also guides us through dream space.

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