Gods Of Olympus
The Gods of Olympus or the Dodekatheon are the 12 Gods who resided on Mount Olympus who were worshiped in ancient Greece and by Hellenic Polytheists today.
The specific Gods of Olympus vary by time period and tradition. Generally, they are considered to be Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athene, Apollo, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Hermes, and either Hestia or Dionysus.
Hebe and Heracles are sometimes included as well.
How can we improve this section?
Pages on all the god/esses listed here would be awesome
I was linked to this through the page about New Moon and had hoped to find what you mention on that page about the connection of the 13 Olympians to the 12 New Moons of the year. It would be great to see that info added here, or applied to the New Moon page where it is introduced as a concept.
You can find a table of those relationships on this page: http://www.witchipedia.com/table:divine-astrological-correspondences
It's in the second section.
Each of the astrological/zodiacal correspondences corresponds to the new moon in that sign (which is the same sign the sun is in at the time.)