Welcome to the Witchipedia's glossary of occult terms. Here you will find terms often used in the Pagan, Heathen, magical and occult communities that may confuse a newcomer. This encyclopedia of magical terminology is a wonderful place to get started if you don't know where to start in the Witchipedia. If you don't see the term you are looking for here, feel free to bring your question to the community in our forums or Ask A Witch!
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We have 331 terms listed in our glossary with more being added each day.
What you see on this page is the name and first paragraph of the articles in our occult glossary. To view the full article, please click on the title. You will also be able to comment, ask questions and add more information to the article once you've navigated to its page.
Absinthe - Absinthe is a distilled alcoholic beverage made from wormwood, anise, fennel, and other herbs. Absinthe is a very strong alcoholic beverage that is usually diluted with ice water and melted sugar before drinking. In good quality absinthe, with actual plant oils, ice water makes the absinthe turn from green (or sometimes dark brown) to milky white. Oils are fats which solidify when exposed to cold temperatures.
Acupuncture - Acupuncture is a traditional healing methodology originating in China. It utilizes small needles inserted into the skin at very specific points to direct the flow of chi. Acupuncture is popular in the West as a drug free treatment for chronic pain and nausea associated with surgery or the treatment of certain illnesses.
Adept - One who has studied and mastered (and continues to study) a magical system is often referred to as an adept. Some organizations have formal guidelines for conferring this title upon a member.
Aeromancy - Aeromancy is a form of divination using the element of Air by observing the sky, particularly meteorological and cosmological events, including the movements of clouds, winds and sometimes comets, the appearance of rainbows and other phenomena such as auroras. The word Aeromancy comes from the Greek words aero for "air' and manteia for "divination".
Air Sign - In astrology, three signs are ruled by the element of air. These are Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.
Akasha - Akasha is a Sanskrit word referring to the base material contained in all things. The literal meaning is "space" or "sky" and the closest Western synonym is Aether and it has also been related to modern Paganism's fifth element, Spirit or aether
Alchemist - Alchemy is both a spiritual and magical practice and a philosophy. Its aim is famously to achieve immortality but also to achieve wisdom through transformation of both the alchemist and the substances he manipulates.
Alchemy - Alchemy is both a spiritual and magical practice and a philosophy. Its aim is famously to achieve immortality but also to achieve wisdom through transformation of both the alchemist and the substances he manipulates.
Amulet - An amulet is an object that is carried or worn on a person or placed in a location in order to draw specific energy or luck toward that person or location.
Angels - An angel is a spiritual being of light that serves as a messenger and servant of God in the pantheons of both Abrahamic and Zoroastrian traditions. Some magic-users of various traditions call upon angels for advice, protection or to help them achieve certain tasks. The Enochian magick system is based upon communication with angels.
Animism - The term animism comes from the Latin word anima meaning "life" or "soul".
Anointing oil - Anointing oil is sacred oil, blessed and charged and specially formulated for the purposes of sanctifying or elevating sacred objects or people in the service of a higher purpose.
Aphrodisiac - An aphrodisiac is a substance that stimulates sexual arousal when consumed. The word aphrodisiac comes from the Greek ἀφροδισιακόν, aphrodisiakon meaning "sexual" or "of or pertaining to Aphrodite.
Arete - Arete (ἀρετή) is a Hellenic virtue meaning "excellence". Arete is about being all you can be, the best at what you are, giving it your all, meeting your potential. The word arete is often translated as "virtue".
Aromatherapy - Aromatherapy is the use of fragrance for therapeutic purposes. This often involves the use of essential oils, other plant extracts and various fragrant parts of plants used whole or in pieces. Their fragrance may be inhaled alone, broadcast via a diffuser or added to other products such as massage oils, hygiene products, heat and cold packs and other items used for therapeutic purposes.
Asperge - Asperging is a form of ritual purification involving the sprinkling of liquid on the item, person or area to be purified.
Aspergillum - An aspergillum is a device used for sprinkling water or other liquid for ceremonial purposes. It may be a specifically designed instrument, like a brush or a silver ball on a stick as seen in many Catholic rituals, or it may take the form of plant matter. Many magic-users use branches of specific trees or bundles of specific plants as aspergilla (or aspergillums, both plural forms are correct.)
Astral Body - The astral body is the theoretical subtle or spiritual body, a third option between the eternal soul and the body (according to Platonic theory) though some believe that the astral body and the soul are equivalent. The astral body maintains your personality separate from your physical body, the mind and emotions, separate from the physical brain. Some refer to this body as the etheric body. The word "astral" means "of the stars".
Astral magick - Astral magic is a general term for any magic performed on or using the astral plane or involving astral travel or astral projection.
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How can we improve this section?
Thanks for this glossary. It's great, helpful and beautiful. :)
Thank you and Blessed Be.
Just what I'm looking for.
Love and Light.
Love the site and the glossary. Just stumbled upon it today. Thank you so much, the glossary will help much as I'm new to Wiccan ways.
One suggestion would be to allow the reader/viewer to view it 'all', rather than hit button after button to see more glossary terms.
Thank you again.
The website is great! An app would be really helpful/convenient! :)
What exactly would you like such an app to do?
I ask, because it lies within the realm of possibility. I've thought about it- but what would it look like?
Perhaps like a quick users guide? Something like a mobile search engine, type in a rite you are doing and it brings up a list of suggested items to go along with it, type in a stone to be reminded of its properties, personalized book of shadows (you can save certain things you like and edit parts). I think that type of thing would be helpful in app form :)
I really like the idea of saving sections and the ability to edit and add notes. I'm a recent widow with 2 very young children and 2 jobs, so that would help greatly since I'm always on the go without much free time.
With regard to an app, I want you to know that I have been doing research and talking to people who know more about this sort of thing than I do. (I don't even own a mobile device.) The app still lies within the realm of possibility (though it will probably be multiple apps, not just one) but it's not likely to happen very soon. Do keep posting your thoughts and ideas, I am taking note of them all.
I am still thinking about the app. It is on my list of things to do this winter once the harvest is in. I have to get a new computer, as I will need to download software and the Chromebook I normally use is strictly for web based applications, but I'm confident that once I have the right equipment I will be cranking out apps like nobody's business. I just got my first Smartphone this spring and have been playing with apps so I finally know what you're asking for and how I'm going to go about doing it.
Thank you for this wonderful website!
Your translation of "atheist" is incorrect although completely acceptable in common use. Roughly: A = Not, no, is not, against and Theist = one who is with gods. In this sense "with" is in the possessive form. So it is actually possible, by this definition, for an atheist to believe that there are gods but none that they will worship or pursue. I admit that this is both an archaic and hair-splitting definition, but I just thought I would point it out. The common definition seems to have drifted from the "not" form of the prefix "A" into the "against" form for some reason or another. All things evolve and have new fruit for new seasons I suppose.
Comments should really go on the article itself. (this is mentioned twice on this page) Only the first paragraph of each article is listed here- the summary paragraph(this is also mentioned twice). You will find that the definition is quite thorough should you choose to read the entire thing.
Doing an app is very possible. I've found a wiccan app before that had several sections to it using links and ran off of wifi. I'm not sure how they did it. I quit using it because they wanted to start charging fir it and I can't afford that. Also a chat room on the site would be awesome. A safe place for Wiccan chats. With moderators to keep peace and kick trouble makers.
Only you can change you.
Emerald Wolfpaw
If you'd like to help support my efforts to improve the Witchipedia through the creation of apps and other features, please consider helping me to support the Witchipedia and to purchase a computer capable of running the necessary programs. You can find out how by visiting the tip jar at http://www.witchipedia.com/info:support
A way to improve the Glossary page would be to have a "clickable alphabet" at the top and bottom of the glossary terms, that jumped to the letter you were looking for. Instead of the "page 1,2,3 next" and have all terms with that letter displayed in full, ie all the A's on a page etc.
Okay, my darlings. We have alphabet links as requested.It took me a whole day and long into the night and I absolutely deserve a cookie. I may have been sleeping near the end so if something looks weird, please do let me know. You will still have to scroll through to the next page on some of the alphabet links if there are a lot of entries with that letter.