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A charm/house warming gift for a friend?
(1 replies)
I have a friend going through a rough time. She’s moving into a new house soon and I would love to send her a gift, a charm bag, something to help give her some comfort as a house (and heart!) warming gift.
Any suggestions?
A friend of mine got angry at a girl at my school and cast a binding spell on her.
(5 replies)
A friend of mine ('Ric') got angry at a girl at my school and cast a binding spell on her. Me and my other friend ('Lina') are trying to break it but we don't know what type of binding spell he used. Is there a way to break binding spells in general?
Thank you for the help,
Fiadh Tala
After lighting sage my roommate has negative energy
(10 replies)
After I light sage in my place, I feel fantastic and safe. Although it seems to have a negative effect on my roommate, she becomes more aggressive and wants to argue. It's odd. Can someone PLEASE explain?? Am I going crazy??
Am i a magician
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Am I a Witch?
(22 replies)
How can I tell if I'm really a witch? I have some special abilities and I feel truly alive when I am in nature. I think I may be born into witchcraft, but I'm not sure.
Am I too old to begin my journey into the Craft?
(4 replies)
I am thirty-four years old. I have a wonderful woman, four great kids, and a job I like ( mostly). Since I was a kid, I have held a fascination for Magick and Witchcraft, reading and absorbing all I could on the subject. However, being raised in a pretty fanatical Christian household, my resources were always extremely limited, as all reading material was restricted and monitored, and smart phones and the Internet as we now know it did not exist (wait…WHAT???). I have never really fit in anywhere or with any social groups; I have been informed I'm a strange guy, as there aren't many "Magic: The Gathering" players, avid readers, or Magick practitioners on most construction sites. I've recently began extensively pursuing my interest in all paths of the Craft, and have begun actively practicing the Arts. I've found it quiets my mind, relaxes my body, and brings me much enjoyment, and I have seen results. My question, however, is this: am I too old to be just a beginner? I know many start out at a much younger age, and some spend a lifetime at study of the Magick arts. Am I wasting my time on "silly pursuits"?
Another witch at my school is most likely going to attack my coven.
(1 replies)
I started a small coven with two of my friends at the start of the school year on Mabon. One of the girls who I will call “A”, used to be friends with this one girl who I will call “M”. M turned out to be super manipulative and just an awful person, and actually discovered witchcraft because of A. Now, I am fine with anyone’s path, but M would do things that would only benefit her and is very power hungry. There are other things that happened before that I might go into, but that’s beside the point. A and I put a bind on some of her jewelry so she couldn’t hurt anybody with her magick anymore. Currently, she is likely conscious of her bind, and she has recently threatened my friend A. M has shown interest in things like demons and blood magick, which are things my coven stays far away from. M is mainly targeting A, but M most likely knows by now that I also am a witch. I introduced A to witchcraft about a year ago, and I’ve been doing it for about 3 years now. Any advice for how to protect my coven, and especially A from M?
Any advice for witches in the closet?
(9 replies)
I'm in college and I just started to learn about the world of witchcraft, but I'm not ready to tell my friends and family about it. My family is super religious and won't hear me out fro what witchcraft really is, and I'm scared if I tell my friends they'll judge me and won't really like me anymore. I've noticed when I'm doing research about alters and gathering supplies that it usually looks pretty obvious and if someone was to walk into my room, they'd know exactly what I am up to. Is there any advice you can give to someone who wants to remain hidden, but still wants to her best to grow as a witch?
Any information on Chinese Bayberry
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Are Sabbat Dates Different in Different Parts of the World?
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I live in New Zealand and the date given for Imbolc, a Winter festival, falls in the middle of my summer. Are the dates different here?
Are spells done by the help of spirits? Will it backfire? Are there spells without help of spirits?
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Are there any "anti magical materials" that exist? Things that would reverse spells and such?
(7 replies)
I've heard how salt rings can trap spirits, and wards get rid of negative energy, but specifically, what materials, if any, are meant for weakening and/or disempowering magical entities? I'm writing a book, so I could use this for inspirational reference.
Learning to See Auras
(4 replies)
How do I learn to see Auras, I have tried and tried. What am I doing wrong. Thank You and have a blessed evening
Called to God...and magic? Advice for a very confused Christian
(2 replies)
I grew up in an areligious family but have been a committed Christian since I was 12, when God compelled me to pray one night. He has been a consistent and often blatant presence in my life since that time (I am now 32), and turning from Him in any way would feel like a profound betrayal. He carried me during my darkest times, and I wish to honor Him.
At the same time, I have felt a call to magic and the occult for as long as I can remember. As a young boy I was drawn to death, instinctively performed rudimentary spellwork (whose implications I did not understand), searched for portals to "another world," and experienced vivid precognitive dreams and occasional waking revelations. I also found that, if I wanted something badly enough, I could often make it happen by thinking about it in a certain way. These abilities were so natural that I never stopped to think whether they were "right" or "wrong." Some of the magic I worked as a teen and pre-teen was fairly heavy duty (I was self-conscious about my height, for instance, and intentionally made myself stop growing) and most of it was done without my conceiving of it as "magic."
My realization in my early twenties that the things I'd been doing since childhood were sorcery brought about a moral conflict I have never been able to resolve. It is worth noting that I was adopted, and learned in adulthood that my birthmother was a witch who came from a family of witches. Some of my spellwork practices, done in isolation and ignorance, turned out to be in keeping with some of theirs.
So here is where I stand: I trust in a God whom I believe saved me, and who has always guided me true. My faith requires me accept His will and not insert my own flawed will in its place. But I was also born with obvious magical ability and an intense draw to the supernatural. How can I reconcile these things? How can I follow Him faithfully but indulge in the magical side of me? Alternately, why would He give me a gift and then forbid me to use it? I am exasperated and confused. Any insight is much appreciated.
Can an old evil eye to bring you bad luck ?
(1 replies)
In one day i was at a jewerly repairman because some of my jewerly where broken and some of them i gave to him and he gaved me some rings that he had on a napkin. I noticed an evil eye, but i already achived the rings, and my mother observed the eye and said that if he can give me that one for free…for my surprise he agreed.
When i got home i felt so anxious and angry, and after that someone told me that is because of the eye…i really liked that eye because it looked different, not like those usual evil eyes…so when i felt the moment to trow it away, i went on the street and i saw a homeless woman and she asked for money and i put it on her hand…i don't know if it was just my mind that played things on me, but now i know i don't have it, and i'll never gonna see it again.
Can a schizophrenic be a witch?
(2 replies)
Sorry to bother, But i need to ask.
I have sever depression and schizophrenia, I wonder if I can learn magic.
I am a psychology student, preparing for applying to graduate degree in psychology. And i want to be a counselor to help people.
But my illness is an obstacle. I can hear voices.
Now i study at home and there is little pressure, and my voices, they are quiet. But i am afraid if i go back to campus,and face more pressure, they will be active again, which really bother my life.
In long history of my illness, I found i didn't really care about anything, the exception were people who need my help.
The only way to light up my frame of life is to help people.
I found divination and counselling are the ways.
And this is why i want to be a counselor.
But the thing is,even if people in psychology profession can understand me, but a few of them, especially people in clinical area can't accept me.(because of their training,they don't understand, or trust people like me)
Not to mention clients.
I want to learn magic is because I want to make my voices a gift of mine,I hope they are no more problems to me.
But base on my previous situation, I heard a lot of voices from spirits, even gods. I'm afraid that my illness will influence me. I wonder I can distinguish voices from my head or from true spirits.
Could anyone give me a guidance,please?
How can we improve this section?
I think a few improvements would make searching the Ask the Witches section a little easier. I'm viewing this site on my iPhone. If you could see whether or not the questions had answers or not and how many answers you would know if even clicking the link would be helpful. Also the questions are written in a huge font which is not very pleasing to the eye. Maybe if the font was smaller (same color, bold) then more questions would fit on the page. I love this site!
Thanks for the suggestions. I could go even smaller. But it's a delicate balance between obnoxiously huge and too small for my fat fingers to tap.
I've done a spell to lose weight since my job has got in the way of my gym time. It said to drink the drink created of water, cinnamon, vinegar, and salt. I couldn't drink the whole thing because I thought I was going to get sick from the amount of vinegar or gulped down. Do I have to redo the spell? I've drank large gulps of that stuff..
Cinnamon is an interesting choice, usually it's cayenne. And it's not a spell. For an actual spell, it doesn't matter what you drink, it's all symbolic anyway. What you need to do is reduce your calorie intake. That beverage may help you do that by killing your appetite if you sip it whenever you feel hungry between meals instead of snacking. Also, depending on how much salt you drank, it might also cause some more pooping than you're used to. It might mess other things up too. If you don't have an ulcer or a hiatal hernia, you'll probably be okay. Just make sure you eat properly otherwise. And maybe run it by a doctor just to be safe.
Well it did tell me to drink the entire beverage. And I didn't. That's what I forgot to add to my question. I poured a little bit of that stuff out since I had a good amount of it. Can it still work?
Since you're fretting so much over it, no, it probably won't work. I told you, it's not about what you do or don't drink.
A small amount of cider vinegar in warm water is beneficial to health generally. Cinnamon or vanilla reduce cravings for sweet things, perhaps that was their purpose. Salt is cleansing, but bad for humans to ingest in large quantities. This concoction you made seems to have caused you more distress than good. If there was a large quantity of vinegar and salt, I suspect it's purpose was to make you vomit or give you diarrhoea. Neither of these things is healthy or respectful of your body. Instead, perhaps try herbs for their comforting properties, and vanilla and cinnamon for their "sweet tooth" satisfaction and use this, together with positive affirmation, to help you during some gentle exercise and a healthier diet. See the articles elsewhere on food - if you take healthy ingredients, take time to bless them, eat mindfully and gratefully, leave a small amount out to share with the universe, then this - using your own interpretations and intentions- is more powerful craft than someone else's recipe which clearly didn't work for you.
Also, I forgot to say, you can use your practise to address the problems behind your present inability to lose weight. Some of the reasons can be lack of self confidence, lack of motivation, comfort eating. The reasons can be very deep - victims of abuse, for example, over eat to make themselves unattrative to deter attention (on a subconscious level) and also people overeat as a form of self abuse due to low self-worth. Some people, like me, just love food and eat way too much of it! Look closely and be honest with yourself - no one else needs to know your reasons. Address those, using your craft to support and assist you mentally.
may I ask,first of all, are you american?
if so,then blessings over the water. the thing with spells,is that you never quite know if they work or not,you just have to wait and see.and when you do a spell,and it gives you a good feeling inside, then you know it works.
im a beginner and so is my friend and we were wondering if you do a curse on someone do you have to give them the spell or does it just work somehow.
It depends on the spell. What does the spell say?
When doing ANY magic, remember the ripple effect. It's, basically, that, like throwing a stone, in a pond, the ripples, from your spell will affect many people, not just the person you cast on. Initially, you can expect your spell to affect that person's family and friends, at the least.
Remember, too, the Law of Karma (Krma, in the Sanskrit). Whatever energy you put out, willingly, will, someday be done to you, in one form, or another.
Never divulge your workings, to anyone. That weakens the spell, by suddenly adding someone else's energy and thought, to it. Once you've cast it, let it go and don't think about it. If you've cast, properly, and your spell is powerful, enough, the Universe will make the changes you've requested.
When doing ANY magic, remember the riddle effect. It's, basically, that, like throwing a stone, in a pond, the ripples, from your spell will affect many people, not just the person you cast on. Initially, you can expect your spell to affect that person's family and friends, at the least.
Remember, too, the Law of Karma (Krma, in the Sanskrit). Whatever energy you put out, willingly, will, someday be done to you, in one form, or another.
Never divulge your workings, to anyone. That weakens the spell, by suddenly adding someone else's energy and thought, to it. Once you've cast it, let it go and don't think about it. If you've cast, properly, and your spell is powerful, enough, the Universe will make the changes you've requested.
"riddle" should be "ripple"
I'm an eclectic witch and I use mostly magic in bottles. I've noticed that anytime the bottle or contents are damaged, the reverse of the spell's intent happens. I made a spell bottle for motivation, my energy hasn't been the same since it broke a year ago, despite trying to fix any fatigue problems without magic irl. I messed up a small health bottle for my gf and she was sick the next morning for just a day. At first I didn't think much of it, but it keeps happening.
I just use kitchen herbs like cinnamon or lavender in my spells, and work by whatever sign the moon is in. I'm still a novice and trying to learn. Any advice on what I can do to reverse any negative effects?
I'm a Scorpio, born on October 31st if that helps any.
With magic, any doubt can have serious consequences with regard to how your spells work. It's all about confidence. So, if your spell item breaks and you fret over it, it can cause the spell to go awry even if you weren't specifically fretting that the spell would go awry. Even if, for example, you were just fretting about the mess or that a pretty bottle got broke or etc, it can still have an effect on the spell. If you, for exaple, thought "Wow. My magick is so awesome the bottle broke." you're less likely to have things go wrong. That all being said, if at any time you find yourself fretting over a spell object, you can neutralize the object by performing a basic cleansing, just like you do with new tools, removing and composting all the contents and cleaning up the bottle (or whatever) like new, recycle or bury it, whichever is appropriate.
Also, I think you might need to get better bottles. I personally use mason jars, not sure what you're using, but I've never had one break.
Thank you for the quick response! I never thought of it that way. I have to admit, I feel very new so its not surprising if insecurity snuck in without fully realizing it myself. It would probably do me some good to think of what I'm doing as something powerful, I could use that confidence boost overall.
I use small ones and luckily those are sturdy on the outside but, the ingredients have gone awry from me not sealing it properly, I've learned my lesson there. I used a leftover candle jar thinking it was sturdy enough but my rabbit shattered it! I still don't know how he did that. I'll take your advice and use Mason jars from now on!
Last week, an acquaintance of mine bought me a journal with a cover in the style of an old book. I am very interested in writing and I like writing a lot, especially historical ideas, and she told me I had to use the book to write something special.
Is it okay if I use information from the Witchipedia in my writing with some very minor changes as part of artistic licence? I discovered this site yesterday and love these concepts (it is not my place to say whether it is real or not), and was just wondering whether it would be considered rude of me to write about them, with a large amount of research, of course).
Any opinions or help would be much appreciated!
You can use anything here for your personal use. Print it, copy it, whatever. If you are sharing it with others, you must provide credit and a link back to this website, even if you have made changes. You may not claim it as your own work or sell it for money. This is our license, other websites licenses may be different.
Using the Witchipedia as a resource to produce your own unique content is always okay and I appreciate it if you make a note of us as a reference.
Of course, thank you
I've been researching and trying to figure out what kind of marking it was and the meaning behind it, but cannot seem to find anything. It resembled a sigil, i drew it on paper right away, and it vanished shortly after my body cooled. It appeared on my right thigh. It hasn't appeared anywhere on my body since that day, Jan 29th…. does anyone have any ideas? I'm puzzled
It happened again this morning, right now, the same mark. It's white, slightly raised, i have pictures of it now, there are bedsheet wrinkle markings on my leg beside it/over half of it, but you can clearly see a difference between them.
Is there anyone who might have a clue what this is?
January 29th
April 15th
I met a witch claiming she worked for 'aba'
I had really bad vibes from the whole situation I let myself deal with.
The last night I had any dealings with her she claimed to have been demonically possissed in the past and admitted she was a quite evil character and that she worked for 'aba'
She had mentioned that several times during the month I chose to have any dealings with her
I am not sure what your question is. But there is power in a name. A witch who gives away the names of her accomplices gives away the power to bind them.
I could not find a title to this post that summarized what I need help with. I am really hoping for insights - though I note this forum has been very quiet for almost a year.
A few years back, I had a neighbour living in a flat right below mine with whom I became good friend (long story, but she viewed me as a big sister as I helped her quite a lot, she was just out of care and was having a very rough time…)
Anyhow, few years down the line, she became a 'born again christian' as she started going out with this evangelical preacher (who did not seem to like me much….)
At some point, they went off on holidays and organised (without my knowing) for the rest of the congregation to perform and exorcism of/in their flat - it was in the middle of winter and I could hear some weird noises which slowly became louder and turned into proper incantations and speaking in tongues or whatever. It was rather spooky, especially at the beginning as I thought the building was empty and I could not locate where the noise / mumbling / praying then screaming came from…
Anyhow, ever since (my neighbour moved out within a week of coming back from her holidays), I feel like they sent whatever problem they had to me, or that I have somehow 'swallowed it' and I've been like bound to this place / flat, going from really really really difficult work/life/family situation to even harder ones… I have tried - repeatedly - the usual salt, incense, sage burning, space clearing etc… everything I can think of and more but instead of getting better, I'm having huge difficulties and problems seem getting worse.
I can't write a novel here, but just to say that my friends even sometimes say 'we don't know anyone who is as unlucky as you'…. it's just weird, I am not depressed or weak or easily influenced, and this has now been going on for ten years, so i am quite resilient, but I am getting a little tired.
My question is thus twofold:
Is it possible that whatever was binding my neighbours has now been sent over to me?
and if so, how can I get rid of this / send it back / destroy it etc..
I really hope someone has some tried and tested suggestions; thanks for reading and your help!
Yes, it's possible. There are a great many pages in this site with advice for getting rid of curses and negative energies.