Sekhmet -Sekhmet is the ancient Egyptian Goddess of war. She is imaged as a woman with the head of a lioness. Her name means "powerful one".
Seshat -Seshat is the ancient Egyptian Goddess of writing and measurement. She is imaged as a woman wearing a panther skin with a star on her headdress.
Seth -Seth or Set is the ancient Egyption God of disharmony and destruction. He murdered Osiris and battled with Horus for the throne of Egypt. In earlier times He was associated with Eygptian royalty. He is imaged as a man with the head of a strange animal, known as the Set animal. (It looks a little like an ant eater to me.)
Shu -Shu is the ancient Egyptian God who holds up the arch of the sky (Nut) so that the Earth and Sky are separate.
Sobek -Sobek is the personification of the Nile crocodile. He is pictured either as a crocodile or as a powerful man with the head of a crocodile. Temples to him were located throughout Egypt where crocodiles were common. Some of the temples kept pools where sacred temple crocodiles were offered the best cuts of meat. These crocodiles became tame and were mummified after their deaths.
Tefnut -Tefnut is the ancient Egyptian Goddess of moisture. She is the wife of Shu and mother of Nut and Geb. She is often depicted with the head of a lioness.
Thoth -Thoth is the ancient Egyptian God of writing and knowledge. He provided the gift of hieroglyphic writing to the people. He is also associated with alchemy and magick and is associated with the moon. He is depicted as a man with the head of an ibis and is also symbolized by the baboon.
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