Amounet -Amounet is an Egyptian mother/fertility Goddess. Her name means "hidden one". She was a tutelary deity of the Egyptian Pharaohs and was evoked during Pharoah's ascension ceremonies. Her consort was Amun. Many of her aspects merged with Neith.
Anubis -Anubis is the Egyptian God of the dead and the embalming process. He presided over the embalming of Osiris when he was killed by Seth. Priests would sometimes wear masks of Anubis when performing embalming rituals.
Aten -Aten was associated with the Sun God Ra. He is imaged as a golden disk with descending rays ending in hands. During the reign of Akhenaten, Aten was made King of the Gods and there was a movement toward a sort of Monotheism in Egypt. It didn't go over well.
Atum -Atum (or Atem, Tum, Tem, Temu) is the hermaphroditic creator God of Egypt. He is pictured as a man with a double crown. His name means "all" or "perfection" or "the complete one". He was the first God to exist on Earth. He rose from the waters of chaos (Nun) and created the rest of the Gods.
Bast -Bast, also spelled Bastet, was a cat-headed protectress of the Pharaoh. She was usually seen as gentle, but would rise up lion-headed and ready for battle if the Pharaoh was threatened. She was offered sacrifices of cats and of images of cats.
Geb -Geb is the husband and brother of the sky Goddess Nut and father by Her of Osiris, Isis, Seth and Nepthys. He is imaged as a man with a goose on his head, or as a man lying beneath the arch of the sky.
Hapy -Hapy is the ancient Egyptian God of seasonal flooding which allowed the people along the Nile to grow crops.
Hathor -Hathor is the ancient Egyptian Goddess of happiness and protectress of the hearth. She is the wife of Horus and sometimes considered to be the mother of the Pharoah. Her name means "house of Horus".
Horus -Horus is the ancient Egyptian protector of the ruler of Egypt. The Pharaoh was considered to be the living incarnation of Horus. After Osiris was murdered by Seth, Horus fought with Seth for the rule of Egypt. In the battle he lost an eye. This Eye of Horus became an important symbol of protection. After the battle, Geb proclaimed Horus the ruler of the living.
Isis -Isis is the wife of Osiris and mother of Horus. She is a powerful protective Goddess associated with the rulers of ancient Egypt. She is imaged as a woman with a headdress in the shape of a throne and is often depicted nursing the infant Horus.
Iusaaset -Iusaaset was the consort and "shadow" of Atum in some stories about Him. She is the mother and grandmother of all the Gods by Atum. Her name means the great one who comes forth.
Khepri -Khepri is an ancient Egyptian God associated with creation, rebirth and the movement of the sun. He is often connected with Atum or Ra. His symbol is the scarab.
Khnum -Khnum was a creator God who molded the first people out of clay from the Nile. He was originally the God of the source of the Nile river, but Hapy took over that role. Khnum makes infants out of clay and places them in their mothers' wombs. Then his wife Heqet breathes life into them when they emerge.
Ma'at -Ma'at is the ancient Egyptian Goddess of balance, truth, justice and harmony. She is the daugher of Ra.
Neit -Neit, Nit, Net, or Neith was a war Goddess honored in the town of Sais. She was the patroness and protector of Egyptian soldiers and virgins. She was also associated with weaving. New Kingdom traditions say that she is the mother of Sobek and the protector of the royal crown. She is shown wearing the red crown of Lower Egypt, or a headpiece showing a shield with two crossed arrows and she carries a bow and arrow in one hand and an ankh in the other.
Nephthys -Nephthys is the ancient Egyptian protectress of the dead, sister of Isis and Osiris, wife of Seth and mother of Anubis. Her name means "Lady of the Mansion".
Nun -Nun or Nu is the eldest of the Egyptian Gods. He is the primordial waters of chaos and all that existed before the first land rose out of the sea. He is imaged as a man carrying a bark canoe.
Nut -Nut is the sky Goddess whose body forms the vault of sky over the earth. She is the sister and wife of Geb and mother of Isis, Osiris, Seth and Nephthys. At the end of each day, she swallows Ra and every morning gives birth to Him again.
Osiris -The name Osiris is a Greek translation of the Egyptian word which may have been pronounced Us-iri, which means "Throne of the Eye".
Ra -Ra is the ancient Egyptian God of the sun. He is swallowed every night by Nut and reborn again every morning. Alternatively he travels through the underworld at night. In the Underworld he is imaged as a man with the head of a ram. In the upper world he is imaged as a man with the head of a hawk crowned by a sun disk.
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