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Kitchen witches are invited to join the conversation at Kitchen Witch Corner, and if you're primarily interested in herbal magick Bloomin' Witches would love to have you and Witchipedia Chat is a general purpose group. We also have a beginner's magick course that takes new members in September. You can send us a message through our Facebook page at any time and we'll add you to the next class.

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The Full Moon

The full moon occurs approximately every 29.53 days on about the 14th -17th lunar day when the entire moon is visible from Earth because it is on the opposite side of the Earth from the sun. If the moon passes through the Earth's shadow during this time, a lunar eclipse occurs. This happens about every six months.




Topaz is a silicate mineral { Al2SiO4(F,OH)2 or aluminum fluorosilicate }that forms beautiful prismatic crystals. Pure topaz is clear though topaz often contains impurities that cause the brilliant colors we know and love. Precious topaz is orange. Imperial topaz is yellow, pink or pink-orange, Blue topaz is blue, but usually pale. It is often irradiated to darken the blue color. Red and pink topaz are the rarest color varieties of this stone. Mystic topaz is colorless topaz with a layer of titanium to give it an iridescent effect.


Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the zodiac. In tropical astrology, the sun enters Sagittarius on or about November 22nd and moves on to Capricorn at the moment of the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere, on or about December 22nd. Sccording to sidereal astrology, the sun enters Sagittarius on or about December 17th and moves on toe Capricorn on or about January 20th.

Celtic Tree Calendar

The Celtic tree calendar, also called the Beth-Luis-Nion Calendar, is a modern calendar based on modern, theoretical interpretations of the Ogham alphabet, or the Celtic Tree Alphabet. While there is no evidence of ancient Celts or Druids using a calendar that even resembled this one, it has, however, become a valuable spiritual, liturgical and magical tool for some modern NeoPagans who identify with the ancient Celts. Celtic Reconstructionist Pagans reject it utterly as a complete fabrication with no historic basis. Which of course it is. Others embrace it as a tool to enhance their magic, their spirituality and their connection with nature and to help give structure to their rituals.

New Moon

The new moon is the first phase of the moon. Traditionally, it occurs when the first waxing crescent of the moon in visible in the sky. Astronomically, it occurs when the moon is the closest to the sun as seen from the Earth. This takes place right in the middle of the dark moon period so the moon is not visible at this time unless there is a solar eclipse when its shadow is visible against the sun.

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Kitchen Witches: Visit http://www.kitchenwitchcorner.com
Expecting? Visit the Pagan Name Database at http://pagannames.witchipedia.com
Live in Michigan? Visit http://www.paganmichigan.net
Looking for more practical articles? Visit Dawn's personal site and online Grimoire at http://www.sacredhearth.com

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