Site Map
- About
A Glossary of Magickal and Occult Terms
- Absinthe
- Acupuncture
- Adept
- A (Glossary)
- Air Sign
- Akasha
- Alchemist
- Alchemy
- Amulet
- Angels
- Animism
- Anointing oil
- Aphrodisiac
- Arete
- Aromatherapy
- Asperge
- Aspergillum
- Astral Body
- Astral magick
- Astral Plane
- Astral Projection
- Atheist
- Attuned
- attunement
- Augur
- Aura
- Ausar Auset Society
- Autumnal Equinox
- Balefire
- Banish
- Banishing
- Bath Tea
- B (Glossary)
- Binding
- bindrune
- Black Magic
- Black Magick
- Black Moon
- Blue Moon
- Book Of Shadows
- cakes and ale
- Calling The Quarters
- Candle
- Candomblé
- Cardinal Sign
- Cascarilla powder
- casting a circle
- Centering
- Ceremonial Magick
- Ceremony
- C (Glossary)
- Chakra
- chaldean sequence
- Channel
- Chant
- Charge
- Charm
- Circle
- Circling group
- Cleanse
- Compress
- Cone of power
- Consecrate
- contagion
- Container spells
- Corn Dolly
- Cottage Witch
- Counting Crows
- Coven
- crystal ball
- Crystal Skull
- Crystal Sphere
- cultural appropriation
- Cunning Folk
- Curse
- Dark Moon
- Decoction
- Dei Lucrii
- Deosil
- D (Glossary)
- Dianic Wicca
- Discarnate
- Doctrine Of Signatures
- Draw
- Drawing
- Drawing Down the Moon
- Dream Journal
- Dream Pillow
- Dream Walking
- Dream Work
- dressing oil
- Dualism
- Duotheism
- Earth Based Spirituality
- Earth Sign
- Effigy
- Eggs
- E (Glossary)
- egregore
- Elder
- Elemental Spirit
- Eleusinian Mysteries
- Elixir
- Energy Work
- Enochian Magick
- Entity
- Equinox
- Esbat
- essence
- Essential oil
- Evil
- Evil Eye
- Evoke
- Exorcism
- Familiar
- Feminine
- Feminine Energy
- fetish
- F (Glossary)
- fire bowl
- Fire Sign
- Fixed Sign
- Fluffy Bunny
- Folk magick
- Fumigant
- Fumigation
- Gaia Hypothesis
- Gem Elixir
- G (Glossary)
- Green Witch
- Grimoire
- Grounding
- Grounding And Centering
- Handfasting
- hard polytheism
- Harvest Moon
- Heathenry
- hedgewitch
- Hellenic
- Herb
- Herbal Bath
- Hex
- H (Glossary)
- Hieros Gamos
- High Magick
- Hoodoo
- Hydrargyrum
- Incantation
- Incense
- Infusion
- Initiation
- Intent
- intentional dreaming
- Invoke
- Jewitch
- Jewitchery
- J (Glossary)
- journey
- karma
- K Glossary
- Kitchen Witch
- Knot Magic
- La Llorona
- Lenormand
- L (Glossary)
- Libation
- Litany
- Litany Of The Dead
- Low Magick
- Lucid Dreaming
- Lunar Day
- Lunar phase
- Maenad
- Magi
- Magical Journaling
- Magical Petitions
- Magick
- Magico-religious
- Magus
- Masculine
- May Pole
- Mead
- Meditation
- Medium
- Mesopaganism
- M (Glossary)
- Mithraism
- Mojo Bag
- Monolatry
- Moon Garden
- Moon Sign
- Moon Water
- mortar
- Mutable Sign
- Nature Based Spirituality
- Neo Paganism
- Non-corporeal
- Noumenia
- Occult
- Occultism
- Occultist
- Out Of Body Experience
- Pagan
- Paganism
- Paleopaganism
- Panentheist
- Pantheist
- Pantheon
- Paranormal
- Personal Gnosis
- Philtre
- Planetary Day
- Planetary Hour
- Polytheism
- Poppet
- Potion
- Poultice
- Prayer
- Programming
- Psychic Attack
- Psychopomp
- Purification
- Quicksilver
- Reconstructionist
- Resin
- Retrograde Planet
- R (Glossary)
- Rite
- Rite Of Passage
- Ritual
- ritual bath
- rod
- Sabbat
- Sachet
- Sacred Marriage
- Sacred Space
- Salve
- Sanctification
- Sanctify
- Santeria
- Scrying Mirror
- Seax Wica
- second sight
- Seeker
- Servitor
- Shadow Period
- Shamanism
- sigil
- Simple
- Smoke cleansing
- Smudge
- Smudge Stick
- Smudging
- Soft polytheism
- Solar Eclipse
- Solitary Witch
- solstice
- Sorcerer
- Sorcery
- Spare's Technique
- Spell
- Spellwork
- spirit
- Spirit Animal
- Staff
- Statement of Intent
- Stonehenge
- Suffumigation
- Summer Solstice
- Sun Sign
- Supermoon
- Sword
- Symbol
- sympathetic link
- sympathetic magic
- Synastry
- Syncretic Religion
- Syncretism
- syzygy
- taglock
- Talisman
- The All
- The Craft
- The Delphic Maxims
- The Wiccan Rede
- The Witches Creed
- Third eye
- Tincture
- Tisane
- Totem
- Trance
- U (Glossary)
- Uncrossing
- Unverified Personal Gnosis
- Vernal Equinox
- V (Glossary)
- Vibration
- Visualization
- Void Of Course
- Voodoo
- Voodoo doll
- Wand
- Waning Moon
- Ward
- Warlock
- Water Sign
- Waxing
- Well Dressing
- Wicca
- Wiccan
- Widdershins
- Wildcrafting
- Will
- Winter Solstice
- Witch
- Witchcraft
- Witch Doctor
- Witch hunt
- Wizard
- Wortcunning
- X (Glossary)
- Y (Glossary)
- Yule Log
- Z (Glossary)
- Zodiac
- Zoroastrianism
Book Of Shadows
- Bestiary
- Calendars
Correspondence Tables
- Classical Planetary Correspondences
- Correspondence By Intent P1 A-D
- Correspondence By Intent P2 (E-H)
- Correspondence By Intent P3 (I-O)
- Correspondence By Intent P4 (P-T)
- Correspondence By Intent P5 (U-Z)
- Days Of The Week Correspondences
- Fragrance Correspondences
- Herb Keyword Correspondences
- Table of Color Correspondences
- Tarot Herbal And Crystal Correspondences
- Western Elemental Correspondences
- Zodiac Correspondences
Crystal Lore
Stones, Minerals, Metals And Crystals
- Agate
- Alexandrite
- Amazonite
- Amber
- Amethyst
- Aquamarine
- Aventurine
- Azurite
- Black Salt
- Bloodstone
- Calcite
- Carnelian
- Celestite
- Chalcedony
- Cinnabar
- Citrine
- Copper
- Diamond
- Emerald
- Fluorite
- Fossil
- Fuchsite
- Garnet
- Geode
- Halite
- Heliotrope
- Jasper
- Jet
- Kyanite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Magnetite
- Malachite
- Mercury
- Mica
- Mineral Keyword Correspondences
- Moonstone
- Muscovite
- Obsidian
- Onyx
- Opal
- Pearl
- Peridot
- Quartz
- Rose Quartz
- Ruby
- Salt
- Sapphire
- Sardonyx
- Selenite
- Silver
- Smoky Quartz
- Tektite
- Tiger's Eye
- Tin
- Topaz
- Tourmaline
- Toxic Minerals and Crystals
- Turquoise
Stones, Minerals, Metals And Crystals
- Divination
Herbal Lore
Alphabetical List of Magickal and Healing Herbs
- Acacia
- Aconite
- African Violet
- Agapanthus
- Agrimony
- Alder
- Alfalfa
- Allspice
- Almond
- Aloe
- Alyssum
- Amaranth
- Angelica
- Anise
- Apple
- Arnica
- Ash
- Asparagus
- Astragalus
- Basil
- Bayberry
- Bay Laurel
- Betony
- Bindweed
- Birch
- Bistort
- Blackberry
- Black Cohosh
- Bloodroot
- Bluebell
- Blue Cohosh
- Blue False Indigo
- Burdock
- Calendula
- Cardamom
- Chamomile
- Chestnut
- Chrysanthemum
- Cinnamon
- Cloves
- Coltsfoot
- Comfrey
- Corn
- Crocus
- Cyclamen
- Daisy
- Damiana
- Dandelion
- Devil's Claw
- Echinacea
- Eggplant
- Enchanter's Nightshade
- Evening Primrose
- Eyebright
- False Solomon's Seal
- Fennel
- Feverfew
- Fir
- Forget Me Not
- Foxglove
- Garlic
- Geranium
- Ginger
- Goldenrod
- Hawthorn
- Hazel
- Heather
- Heliotrope
- Hellebore
- Holly
- Honeysuckle
- Hyssop
- Indigo
- Jerusalem Artichoke
- Joe Pye Weed
- Juniper
- Larkspur
- Lavender
- Lemon
- Lungwort
- Magic Mushroom
- Mandrake
- Maple
- Marigold
- Marjoram
- Marsh Mallow
- Masterwort
- Mayapple
- Mint
- Mistletoe
- Monarda
- Monkshood
- Motherwort
- Mugwort
- Mullein
- Narcissus
- Nettle
- Nicotiana
- Nutmeg
- Oak
- Okra
- Olive
- Oregano
- Parsley
- Pelargonium
- Pennyroyal
- Peppermint
- Phlox
- Pine
- Plantago
- Poinsettia
- Pokeweed
- Poplar
- Poppy
- Potato
- Rice
- Rose
- Rosemary
- Rue
- Saffron
- Sage
- Solomon's Seal
- Southernwood
- Stinging Nettle
- St. John's Wort
- Sunflower
- Sweet Pea
- Tansy
- Thyme
- Toadflax
- Tomato
- Unicorn Plant
- Valerian
- Vervain
- Violet
- Walnut
- Water Lily
- Witch Hazel
- Wolfsbane
- Wormwood
- Yarrow
- Yellow alder
- Yew
- Zucchini
- Baneful Herbs
- Herbal Oils And Salves
- Herbal Preparations
- Herbs And Magick
- Herbs And Your Health
- Herbs Listed By Botanical Family
- Herbs Listed By Folk Names
- Magickal Gardening
- Nine Herbs Charm
- Threatened Herbs
Alphabetical List of Magickal and Healing Herbs
Magical and Spiritual Lore by Culture of Origin
- African American Lore
- African Lore
- Babylonian Lore
Divine Archetypes
- Crone Goddess
- Earth Mother
- Father God
- God/dess Of Love
- Goddess Of Springtime
- God/dess Of The Dawn
- God/dess Of The Hunt
- God Of Prophecy
- God Of The Sea
- God Of War or Battle
- Gods and Goddesses Of The Heavens
- Grain God/dess
- Guide Of Souls
- King Of The Gods
- Lunar Deities
- Maiden Goddess
- Messenger Of The Gods
- Mother Goddess
- Solar Deities
- The Dark Goddess and The Dark God
- The Dead or Dying God
- Egyptian Lore
- Etruscan Lore
- Finnish Lore
- Hellenic Lore
- Mesopotamian Lore
- Norse Gods and Goddesses
- Pagan Gods And Goddesses
- Roman Lore
- Sami Lore
- Magickal Alphabets
- Magickal Substitutions
- Sabbaths, Feast Days and Pagan Holidays
- A Bowl of Love
- A Golden Psi-ball for Happiness
- Calming Spell
- Elemental Spell
- Ending Harmful Poisons
- Find what is lost
- Fortune's Blessing
- Getting Clients Spell
- Invisibility
- Moon Water Spell
- Oil Spell
- Protection Sachet
- Purification
- Sleep Time Protection Spell
- spell of life
- Teacup Spell for Anxiety
- The Honey Jar
- The Oak Pentagram Amulet
- The Witch Bottle
- The Witches Rune
- To Bring Joy to a Negative Person
- To Get Noticed at Work
- Spell Timing
- Symbols
- The Magick of Colors
- Tools of Magick
Ask the Witches
- A charm/house warming gift for a friend?
- A friend of mine got angry at a girl at my school and cast a binding spell on her.
- After lighting sage my roommate has negative energy
- Age difference from magick's point of view?
- A Golden Finch Flew In My Window Is This A Sign
- Am a new in witchcraft!. i want to know if there is any bad effects to cast spells many times in one intent, exmp money, luck, p
- Am i a magician
- Am I a Witch?
- Am I disrespecting the Pentgram?
- Am I too old to begin my journey into the Craft?
- Am i too young?
- animal questions!!! help!!!
- Another witch at my school is most likely going to attack my coven.
- Any advice for witches in the closet?
- Any information on Chinese Bayberry
- Apples and cinnamon
- Are any of you aware of the potential symbolism of gears/cogs in witchcraft/lore?
- Are Sabbat Dates Different in Different Parts of the World?
- Are spells done by the help of spirits? Will it backfire? Are there spells without help of spirits?
- Are tarot cards reading done by the help of spirits ?
- Are there any "anti magical materials" that exist? Things that would reverse spells and such?
- Are there any rituals to make your wishes come true?
- Automatic Writing to bring something back to me.
- Backfiring spell work.
- Called to God...and magic? Advice for a very confused Christian
- Can an old evil eye to bring you bad luck ?
- Can a schizophrenic be a witch?
- Can a witch make somebody a vampire?
- Can a Witch Work More than One Spell at a Time?
- Can everyone become a witch?
- Can I combine types of divination?
- Can I control fire?
- Can I Fly
- Can i have magical powers?
- Can I light a candle with my mind? (My zodiac sighn is Leo)
- Can I redo a spell if I messed up the first time? ( to do with hair growth)
- can i shrink to size of an ant and then regain to normal?
- Can I use dried plants/flowers for all spells, or do I have to use fresh? Or does it depend on the spell?
- Can I use someone else's spell (Internet, book, etc.) or do I have to write my own?
- Can men be Witches?
- Can someone help find what this rune is?
- Can someone who has passed who I've never met be reached?
- Can witches read minds?
- Can you accidentally bind people together via an object?
- Can you allow me to speak in someone's head without freaking them out? Like giving them positive thoughts?
- Can you please send me a mermaid spell please I'm crying
- Charging water
- Contacting the dead
- Could someone be a witch without doing spells
- Could you please define Nocturnal Magick?
- Déjà vu?
- Did my mom curse or put a spell on my dad
- Does amethyst and selenite work good together?
- Does it matter what kind of sage I use for cleansing?
- Does it matter which pantheon I choose: Greek or Roman?
- Does Magick Always Have to be Done at Night?
- Does my crush know I'm contacting her spiritually?
- Does the use of methadone in the form of daily treatment block my ability to feel energies or move them, hinder my spell work or
- Does this sound like witchcraft?
- Does your zodiac sign affect your magic?
- Do herb species matter in magick?
- Do i have to chose a specific type of witchcraft or can i mix and match different paths?
- Do I have Witch blood?
- Do I need an altar?
- Do people here genuinely believe in magic etc? (I do, but at the same time I don't. You u get me)
- Do Spells Have to Rhyme?
- Do traditional witches exist?
- Do vampires exist?
- Do vampire spells work
- do witches normally suffer with dreams?
- Do witches really really exist in our world?? Do they interact with us? What can they do? Can they harm anyone
- Do you have any information on barberry
- Do you have any tips on wishing on a Equinox ?
- Do you know a black magic that consists of 5-6 people performing one black ritual?
- Dreamed about demons making me summon a demon
- Dreamed about demons making me summon a demon
- Dream walking..
- Dream where I met a possible mentor?
- Energy sharing during meditation..
- every time i burn sage i get a headache why?
- everytime i go outside i have dragonflies and butterflies start flying around me is there a significance to that?
- Finding stranger's hair.
- Full lunar eclipse with the big red Mars
- gliwing pentagram
- Has anybody ever tried Goetic evocation? What were the results?
- Hello, I am looking for guidance if you will. Is there a term for one's emotions or state of being?
- Herbs for focus and concentration?
- Hi Dawn, I'd like to know a Latin phrase appropriate for greeting a fellow occultist
- Hi, I'm new here 😀 I took a lot of time to find this awesome website. BTw my question is are werewolves real?
- Home blessing spell calls FOR three stems of Rosemary I got the leaves ccan I substitute like three pinches but it won't tie in
- How can I ask for peace from a loved one who has passed away?
- How can I break this spell?
- How can I do witchcraft in private?
- How can i find my deity?
- how can i find out that i am a witch? or how can i activate my ”powers”?
- How can I get more connected with other witches and the life style?
- How Can I Learn More About Wicca?
- How can I protect my energy from unintentionally being drained by a loved one?
- How can i revert a santa muerte bind cigar spell?
- How can I see my past life? I'm 16 and a young born witch but haven't found my powers yet?
- How does a witch define a day?
- How Do I Become a Witch?
- How do I contact my spirit guides and any angels watching over me?
- How do I create an altar?
- how do i find myself
- How do I find my witch name?
- How do I find out what is blocking my abilities
- How Do I Improve My Attitude?
- How do I Join a Coven?
- how do I know if I am a natural born witch?
- how do i know my calling? i can feel peoples energy or energy when i walk into a room.
- How do I know what kind of aura I have?
- How do I perform a binding spell on behalf of my Child?
- how do i prepare a stick to become my wand
- How do i recall a past life?
- How Do I Send Energy?
- How do I tell if my familier is really magical?
- how do you achieve astral projection?
- How do you create spells?
- How do you Get a Spirit Companion?
- How do you get rid of someones negative energy
- How long does a spell remains after the desire reached the needs? What would happen if I stopped it after that??
- how many days does it take a work?
- How many spells can one cast in a week?
- How should i practice witchcraft, generally?
- how to block a black magic curse
- How to get rid of a negative spirit that you can feel in a house
- How to keep spells/curses from backfiring?
- How to make a LOVE spell to work?
- How would one draw sigils?
- How would someone know if they are cursed?
- I am catholic, but my mother and grandmother has taught me many things just like the ones from this site, from herbs to spells.
- I am curious about feathers again. What do they give us? A Pigeon or Blackbird Feather?
- I am dating a witch. She is affecting me. How can I make the experience more rewarding for her?
- I am making my own wand from holly wood can you recommend crystals that will work well with this wood
- I am new for all of this.What should i do?
- I am trying to create an tailsmen that attracts energy and makes spells more effective.. How do I go about doing that?
- I am very new to witchcraft and was wondering if anyone would be able to offer some guidance?
- I been scatched on arm with three scatches they welted up then turned red. I read meaning mea ns destruction or destroy ?
- I cant seem to protect myself from witchcraft but am being attacked for no reason... what do I do?
- Idea's on writing witchcraft into a story?
- I enjoy bringing a of of pop culture Wichcraft into my Magick and I have a HP wand made of resin, how well would this work?
- If a psychic vampire is a person who drains energy from others. What is a person who gives energy and uplifts others called?
- If a spell calls for jojoba oil can it be substituted with coconut oil?
- If I am on my period n me and my partner make love can he fall in love with me
- If I find lavender on the side of the highway can I still use it for spells?
- If I want to use a lock of someone's hair in one of my spells does it have to be freshly cut or can I use a years old one?
- If I write a spell, do I cast it on the EXACT same day I wrote it?
- If my intent is pure, I'm grounded and whole spiritually, must I say things like "so mote it be"? Thank you
- if one plants a sea heart what will grow if it grows ?
- I found a bag of stuff in my mailbox
- I found a dolls arm in a broken wall in my daughters wardrobe when we moved in, would there be any reason someone would do this
- I found a pile of over 2 dozen eggs
- If you are of a young age, where can you get the equipment you need?
- i have a friend who just went into a coma and i am wondering if theres any magik to help his recovery please help
- I have always believed firmly in the Catholic faith. Yet, certain disquieting events have made me feel uneasy and afraid.
- I have a talisman that has been cleansed and is ready to be used but I don’t know how to put a spell on it can anyone help?
- I have a unknown plant in my garden. Can someone help?
- I have been cursed for something I did not do. How do I reverse it?
- i have had a vision of a triangle inside of a circle with a bright light behind it coming toward me and getting brighter
- I have recieved a knotted piece of string after an altercation with someone yesterday that didn't go well, is there a significan
- I lit a green candle, 24 hrs after an orange candle (prosperity spell)... is my creativity blocking orange?
- I lost my familiar..Does this mean something?
- I Lost my talisman/good luck charm
- I'm 12 and I want to start practicing witchcraft. I've tried many things before but I just need professional help on my process.
- Im a Christian. My great grandma was a fortune teller. My great uncle was a warlock. Is it bad that I like looking at this stuff
- I'm greek and my first language is greek, but i feel more comfortable with english. Is it ok if my spell are in english rather t
- im new and wondering where do i start with all this?
- I'm new to paganism and I've done a bit of research on it but I'd like a more in depth explanation on the types if possible. :)
- Is everything written about witchcraft and witches in the book "Brida" by Paulo Coelho true??
- Is garden magick just planting crops according to astrological dates?
- Is is possible for two people to be bound without a binding spell?
- Is it normal for people to just look into other people's eyes and see things like pain or secrets etc?
- Is it possable to become a werewolf using a spell?
- Is it possible for a demon/some kind of darkness to have attached itself to someone?
- is it possible for someone to bind another's magic?
- Is it possible to be a Christian (believe in God) and still be a witch?
- Is it possible to have a familiar like Salem Saberhagen ?
- Is it possible to have control of a certain element and use that said element for magical uses
- Is it weird to create my own path in witchcraft and name it?
- Is mugwort making my muscles sore?
- is my charm coming apart a bad sign?
- Is my familiar's animal type significant?
- I sometimes experience feelings of dèjávu at random,sometimes see the news headlines before time,what is it ??
- Is there a main book of witchcraft that would compair to a bible or torah?
- is there an alternative to lemon basil in spells?
- Is there any way to discreetly consecrate your book?
- Is there any way to make my mom more open-minded? She hates the idea of me being a witch, and I don't know what to do.
- Is there a way to unlock repressed/latent "talent"
- Is this a good sign or not?
- Is witchcraft safe?
- I think I'm cursed, and every time I try to use a horn charm, a blue eye charm etc I get a headache&
- I want to put a protection spell on something, does it have to be a necklace?
- I was in a coven we no longer speak and the relationships were toxic how can I relinquish myself from the bond?
- I was told images in a picture I took shows there is a curse. Is there some kind of list of terms or images that show up.
- I would like some advice..
- Learning to See Auras
- Lilith came to me and I have learnt what i know just by it coming to me. Is this working but is it magic or possesion.
- Looking for an old tradition envolvibg tree branch for bronchitis
- Looking for a path to heal - Kitchen Witch?
- Making a Coven
- Might have inherited a familiar- what do I do?
- My dragon statue's head broke. Should I fix it?
- My dreams...
- Necromancy book recommendations.
- Never-ending Bad Luck
- Nightmares come true
- Odd dream
- One day I found a wreath of sticks with some fairy lights ripped out of my courtyard on my doorstep. Ive had bad luck since. Hel
- Pennies from Heaven or...
- Planatery aspects in magick for home cleansing and warding
- Protection for a Pet?
- Protection spells and consent - how to know if we are overstepping our boundaries?
- Rosemary seed pods
- Should menstruation match with the right moon phase? and can a witch do spell work during her cycle or just meditate?
- So... I am debating if I should look further into this.. I have a strange connection to the Summer because of sign thoughts?
- Someone burnt both ends of a plantain and wedged it between my window and AC unit. What does this mean?
- spell
- Starting out?
- Stolen Crystal
- Strange black wick
- Symbolic witch dream interprentation help..
- The last 2 guys that ive talked to in the past have gotten into bad accidents
- The meaning of the planets in use herb to make proprietary medicines?
- The Theta State?
- Thoughts on first altar set up. For a while now I have been thinking of setting up a altar. My question is more of a what is
- wanting to know about majic plants
- What are all the types of magick that exists ?
- What are some basic healing herbs?
- what are the basics to starting wicca or paganism?
- What are the characteristics of burgundy candles?
- What are the consequences of getting involved in Demonology?
- What are the Limits of Magick?
- What are the limits of witchcraft?
- what are the runes?
- What are the times when you should not practice Magick of any kind?
- what are the uses for my spirit animal can i call upon to protect me during ritual ect
- What can be done about improperly dismantled spells or charms?
- What candle, oil and incense to use when casting a separation spell
- What do black cat dreams mean
- what does an open hole with oil at the grave mean
- What does a witch need her wand for?
- What does it mean if suddenly any spell I do reverses and the opposite outcome of what I wanted happens?
- What does it mean when you shake during casting a candle love spell?
- What do I do about after-spell activity?
- What happens to people who do evil things? e.g. Hitler. If there is Karma, do these people return? Given the magnitude of the ev
- What happens to witches once they die?
- What happen to me?
- what herbs and stones are assotiated with saturn and earth
- What herbs will support ending a relationship?
- What is blood magic and is it dangerous? Where can I research it?
- What is Libra connection with magic like ?
- What is Magick?
- What Is Paganism?
- what is the best spell for monetary gain? financial gain from doing what you love so you no longer "have" to work a 9-5?
- What is the best stage at which to harvest Lily flowers? While they are still buds or when fully in bloom?
- What is the Difference Between Witchcraft and Wicca? Is there a Difference?
- what is the first book I should read to learn my Witch Craft?
- What is the proper way to dress/anoint a candle with oil?
- what is the significance of deer/stag skulls
- What is Witchcraft?
- What kind of omen is rain?
- What love spell or love oil could I make with just these herbs? Rose Passionflower Catnip Lovage
- What other forms of Paganism are there besides Wicca? Can you tell me about them?
- What planet is associated with nettles
- What plants have a fascinating story on how they became associated with witchcraft?
- What Plants Should I Plant Outside to Protect my Home?
- What properties would a crepe myrtle branch add to a magick wand?
- What Should I do with my used Spell Components When I am Finished With Them?
- What signifigance, if any, do drugs like marijuana and poppies and such have in accordance to magic
- What's the difference between Voodoo and Witchcraft/Magick ?
- what's the perfect begginner spell for me?
- What's the right age to start witchcraft?
- What to do if a huge Spell fails, and how to find out why it failed?
- What to do when a plant grown as part of a spell dies naturally as part of its lifecycle as an annual?
- What tools do I need to be a successful witch?
- what tools do i need to be a witch?
- When doing Black Magic, what causes karma to happen?
- When I first meditated a white witch came to me and told me I am a yellow witch. What does this mean?
- When I make my own tarts, where's the best site to go to, to be able to find out what herbs are used for which properties/spells
- When is the Best Time to do a Binding Spell
- When lighting a candle to set intentions for something or someone must it burn for days or can I extinguish it nightly?
- When will i find true love?
- Where can I find advanced study materials for the Elements/Elementals?
- Where Can I Find Witchy Craft Patterns?
- Where Can I Learn More About Wicca?
- Where can I research the history of the craft?
- where do I access information on a pagan timeline, not a neo pagan timeline but pagan
- Which spell or ritual that should do in special night like this
- who invented the pentacle
- Why do witches ask about name and date of birth of a client before casting a spell? Do spells include conjuring and spirits?
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- How to Cast a Pre-Written Spell
- How to Charge and Dedicate a Crystal
- How To Cleanse Crystals
- How To Create Your Own Book Of Shadows
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