How To Protect Yourself From Curses And Psychic Attack
Curses and psychic attack are negative energy directed at us from another person. This person may be a skilled magickal practitioner who has raised energy against you in a planned attack or it may simply be a person who has very negative strong feelings toward you that have "rubbed off" and "stuck" to you. While this is a scary prospect, the truth is that it is very easy to prevent this energy from staying with you for any length of time.
Required Tools:
Your positive attitude
Protective herbs, stones, incense
The most important way to protect yourself from the negative energy of others (that is what a curse is, essentially) is to always stay positive and to always be pleasant and polite to others. This seems very simple and it can also be very difficult as many of us are in the habit of worrying, complaining and stressing out over every little thing. But negative energy can be neutralized by positive energy. So, let a smile be your umbrella and a shield!
It also helps to avoid engaging with negative people. Negative energy also neutralizes positive energy, so hanging out with negative people can bring you down and make you a target. Also, if someone makes you feel nervous or fearful, you should trust your instincts. And if someone has boasted to you that they have cursed another person, rest assured they are capable of doing the same to you. The more time you spend with someone, the better they get to know you, the easier it will be for them to harm you, whether magically or otherwise.
It's not always as simple as all that, of course. There are more complicated types of spells that require more complicated countering. Love/fascination/obsession spells, for example, can be very damaging but their energy isn't purely negative. I find the energy of Mars and the waning moon to be helpful in countering this.
There are some simple spells and talismans that are used for protection against various spells. The evil eye can be countered by the hamsa or the image of an eye and many witches create a witches bottle to divert any magic sent their way.
Keeping a clean, uncluttered house prevents negative energy directed at your household from finding a place to settle and fumigation can help clear the area of any lingering negativity. Remember that nature abhors a vacuum, so fill that cleared area with joy to keep the negativity from creeping back in.
Also, watch our spells section for some simple protection spells coming soon.
Additional Comments:
See also How To Break a Curse
For More Information:
If you lean more toward the Wiccan end of the magical spectrum, check out The Witch's Sheild by Christopher Penczak
If you are more Chaos Magick inclined, then Protection and Reversal Magick by Jason Miller might be more useful to you.'s Uncrossing and Jinx-Breaking Page may serve you well if you're into Hoodoo. As might's Cleansing and Protection article.
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Thank you for addressing this issue, but the person sending negativity is not a witch. Hopefully i can find things to block them and I will do my utmost to remain kind even though this person is extremely evil and for now, I must live with them. You dont know who i am, but please me good thoughts.
It's very rare that these sorts of attacks do come from witches.
The person attacking me is a 9th Ward decent..but she is doing Voodo. I can feel it. I need help
I would make a witch bottle as stated in the post. I use glass a few bent rusty nails bent pins thorns any sort of sharp nasty item's that I can find. I also put in my finger and toe nail clippings hair urine spit and sometimes blood. I have lessened most of the atracks coming my way so they do help allot.
hello can you help me?
Hang in their im going through the same….i just went through colan cancer surg the 18 and their about to kill me…this has been going on now for cpl yrs but about 7-8 mths ago they made contact…let me tell ya it hurts like doung alot of reading./carma is a mother ..
I just had a dream of me being curse by my older brother and sister . And there a demon atfer me everywhere in this dream. I cant hide. I have my father helping me too. In this dream. My older brother comes in my room writes a star by the door the demon frist comes out of. And now my two boys in real life are crying and loud. I hear nosies in the hall way. Stuff being though. What should i do
Have you had a fight with your family lately? If so that may be why you are having these dreams. Put a bible by your bed, get a priest to bless your house, put crosses in your house, and make sure you all are baptized. That will at least help somewhat. Demons and witches are different. Also, tell whatever it is that it is not allowed in your house, mind, etc. Good luck to you. I am praying for you all.
Holly, I wish you all the best. I am not sure what you can, or can not do anaginst the 9th. Hopefully, you can find someone that can help you. Just try to stay positive!! I have been down the same road where I live. Not sure why they stopped, but they did. If you know a witch you can trust maybe they can communicate with them. It is worth a shot. Always be aware of your surroundings.
How do you get those things to protect you from evil witchest
I live right across the street from a woman that says she's psychic and can tell when a person will die. Anyway she's been attacking me for years and she always seems to be doing well yet others around her suffer. However after I made a witch bottle very soon after i noticed her to be hunched over and not doing well.
Someone keeps throwing a fruit in front of my house or placing it on places I would not see coming in. These fruits are small like lemons. But not lemons, they have a hard bumpy shell and inside looks like dirt, yesterday I found one that was completely charcoaled. My husband and I have gotten ill and we don't understand why, can anyone help? What should I do?
Are you sure the fruits aren't from a nearby tree? They sound like osage orange or even a type of nut, they often have a hard outer shell. Regarding your illness, please consult a doctor for diagnosis.
I'm living with this lady that calls herself a shaman the thing is lately a lot of weird stuff started happening to me, affraid of the dark, or fear for no reason at all, i could feel a presence around me while i was sleeping and not a good one, after that i couldn't sleep, then I got severely depressed. One night i was sleeping and i heard her yelling calling out my name i woke up terrified, then i got terribke migraines. I started meditating and praying, cleaning and raising my vibrations and i started getting better but today my amulet broke with no reason so that kind of got my attention, i don't know what else to do, i think i need extra help! Please, anyone?
Stress and fear can make all kinds of things happen. Go stay somewhere for a few days. That way you can get some rest and actually think about what has been going on in your life. When all else fails move out. Then get your new place blessed, get your crystals, bible, horseshoe, etc
She is a high level voodoo bad person
The articles here and linked from here really tell you what you need to do.
i feel like my mom sometimes attacks me
but im not sure.sometimes i have to walk away from her because i feel so drained.
she always wants me to listen
but if i wanna tell her something or conversate she straight out ignores me or pretends she didn't listen.
i feel like she has me under a spell.
i know she has some sort of psychic abilities because i do too. But i know she blocks me. :/
black obsidian or purple quartz protect you from psychic attack. Some people have gifts but they have them because they drain them from others….
Im pregnant and someone told me that someone's going witch craft on my pregnancy so my baby could die I been haveing anxity and sleeping a lot what should I do
That person is not your friend. Curses work so much better if you know about them. Anyway, your unborn child is, at this point, part of your body, so you would do all the same things you would do to protect yourself as well as working to keep yourself in tip top health while you're doing incubator duty. Surround yourself with positive people and do what you can to keep your own energy positive. Read happy stories, listen to upbeat music, watch comedies if it comes to that. Anxiety and fatigue are common during pregnancy a healthy diet and plenty of rest and gentle exercise - just a half hour walk a day will help and see if you can join some prenatal classes, weather Lamaz or Yoga or whatever you can manage. If you belong to an organized religion, you can ask for a blessing for your baby from your clergy. If you belong to a coven, your coven sisters can circle you with blessings. Positivity cancels negativity. Love and joy is your shield. Don't let someone's nasty gossip take it way from you.
That all being said, there are many traditions of simple charms to protect a pregnancy. The evil eye is particularly associated with pregnancy and evil eye charms are pretty easy to find. If you get or make yourself a necklace to wear during your pregnancy, you can hang it over the crib (well out of baby's reach as it's a choking hazard) for protection after baby is born.
You should go to God and ask for protection for you and your child and commit your baby to his care. Share your concerns with Him… you’re not crazy. Find a Spirit filled Church and go up for prayer and be anointed with oil. Take a bottle of olive oil with you to be blessed. Take it to the Pastor when you first get there…share your concerns. The Pastor May give it or keep it on the altar between 7-30 days. Take an empty bottle because they may give you some oil to take with you. Began today saying the Psalm Of Protection 91- day morning and night…every day. Dedicate your baby now to Lord and ….God is going to use this child to change our world. You must stay under the anointing (stay in church) find one where the Spirit is strong! God Bless you and that gift you’re carrying. Have a great one❣️
I was 18 yrs old an I went to see a psychic and she told me I would never find true love I will always have a broken heart unless I buy this expensive potion. At the time I couldn’t afford the potion and now I’m 37 yrs old who suffered many broken hearts.. How can I break this curse.
Your psychic put the curse on you herself. This is a well-known scam and the reputations of honest psychics have suffered due to the actions of people like this. Please follow the suggested reading links at the bottom of this article and consider breaking the curse yourself. You can. 90% of this type of curse is accepting it.
I was hoping to find solutions involving voodoo dolls, cat paws and eyes of nute. Im already praying but the attacks keep coming.
All of those things you mentioned are more likely to increase attacks by annoying people and making them feel ill-used, thus more inclined to want to defend themselves against you. (Poppets are often used to heal and do other positive spellwork, but when people say "Voodoo doll" they are usually implying harm. They can be used for binding, which may be helpful to you. A cat's paw is someone you make do a dirty job in your stead. Eye of Newt or black mustard seed is used in spells to sow discord.) But a witches bottle, as mentioned in the article, might prove of some more practical use to you.