How to Break a Curse
A curse is negative energy that has become attached to you by one means or another. In many cases it may be the result of a hex placed upon you by another magic-user or even by a person with strong feelings but little magical experience. Sometimes our own attitudes curse us, or we may inherit curses from our families. Either way, there are steps we can take to diminish and break a curse and move on with our lives.
Required Tools:
Uncrossing herbs, incense and/or oils (entirely optional)
Some kind of oil, preferably olive oil (use the cheaper light stuff)
The simplest way to break a curse is by taking a bath using uncrossing herbs and salt. I like to make a salt scrub with equal parts salt and olive oil. You can and add any uncrossing oils you choose to to the olive oil before mixing or steep uncrossing herbs in the oil and strain it before mixing. Just keep in mind that many uncrossing herbs and oils are irritating to the skin and mucus membranes, so choose with care.
Although timing is not crucial, dawn during the waning moon is the best time for a cleansing bath of this sort. Many people prefer to repeat the ritual several days in a row: Three, seven or thirteen days are all possibilities. Continue until you feel better. Beginning the day after the full moon and continuing till the new moon is a good plan.
This bath gets rid of the energy attached to the curse. However, the one who placed the curse on you can still repeat the curse and if he or she has created an object from which to generate the curse, it can continue to send curse energy your way on its own, as if it were on autopilot. So, breaking a curse is sometimes only a temporary fix.
A curse can sometimes be drawn out using a vessel. In our history, animals were occasionally used as vessels and sacrificed afterward. This is, obviously, frowned upon today but we have much more palatable options. Eggs are popular vessels for uncrossing in African American traditions. I have also seen potatoes used for this purpose, but an egg can be broken open and its contents examined to determine the effectiveness of the process. The vessel (preferably an egg) is passed over the body beginning at the head moving down (not swishing back and forth, smooth, repeated, downward motions). Prayers are spoken during the process. Afterward, the egg may be cracked open into a bowl of water and its contents examined. It should then be discarded at the base of a tree or at a crossroads. Like the bath, this process may need to be repeated several times to be effective.
If a curse object or fetish exists, and you can find it, you should bury it far away from you, throw it in a river so it washes away or, if you can, destroy it, and dispose of the parts in running water. Burning it and flushing the ashes down the toilet is a good option if its flammable. You may be able to useastral projection to find the link from you to the object and follow that link. A pendulum might be useful for this as well.
A skilled practitioner may be able to destroy the object without actually contacting it physically. This involves astrally traveling to the object, or its astral double, and destroying it there.
You may also want to put a binding spell on the person who cursed you. You may need to do some astral work here as well, especially if you do not know who sent the curse to you. On the astral plane, you can see your connection as cords leading between you and the person. You can cut these with a knife or scissors, or untie knots in them to break the ties. Be sure to do another cleansing bath after this to get rid of any residual energy so the cords can't find their way back quickly.
Obviously, not everything here is going to be within the abilities of every practitioner and some curses are going to be beyond help from these methods. This is why we need to network and help each other. Do not expect someone who helps you remove a curse to do so for free, however. Uncrossing work requires time, energy and materials and it can be dangerous work. If you were cursed because you harmed someone, then your curse is justified and removing it can be very dangerous for the practitioner. You may personally be innocent, but we may have been burned before and the risk involved is going to reflect our price.
Do be careful of psychics who declare you cursed out of the blue and then charge large fees for removing the curse, especially if the "reading" was cheap or free to begin with and your question was unrelated. That is a bait and switch trick. Get a second opinion and find someone you trust to do your work for you.
jinx, hex, evil eye, uncrossing
Additional Comments:
You can find herbs, crystals, incense and other items that will be helpful for this operation under the "Uncrossing" heading at Correspondence by Intent p5
For More Information:
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I recommend you also read How to Protect Yourself from Curses and Psychic Attack After all, once you're all cleaned up, there's no reason your attacker can't attack again (Did you do that binding spell?)
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When you say "bath," what exactly do you mean?
Do you have to be fully covered, head to toe literally, in the oil and salt mixture? If you skip your head, does that mean the curse is not broken?
You're overthinking it. Everything in magick is symbolic.
Please, do not try to cover your entire body with a salt scrub. Just take some in your hand or put some on a cloth and rub it gently into your skin and rinse it off.
Please I need help badly, my twin sister and I have a severe curse and blockage put on us, I'm serious, it eats me up every day to how can we get rid of it. We both sure it comes from my mother. My twin twice saw a vision of my mother while standing next to her a vision of a face of a snake with her mouth open, HELP I beg you.
Find a saved person that’s filled with the Holy Spirit and they can break anything in Jesus Name. Pray Psalm 91 morning and night and get a bottle of olive oil and have it blessed by a Spirit Filled person, and each morning anoint yourself with your It, and say all of Psalm 91. I ask God to bless you and give you total deliverance in every area. The word of God is powerful - I say the following Psalms 23, 35, 37, 91, & 121 every day along with my devotional reading. I hope this was helpful!
I am looking to break some heavy curses over my life affecting me and mybloodline on an ongoing basis. This has been going on since before I was even born, when I was still in my mother's womb. Over 50 years later, I am exhausted and want to be set free. Over the years there have been times when I have felt certain curses lift but only to return again.
I don't know who to see or talk to.
I find your article most interesting for which I thank-you , but I don't understand what uncrossing herbs means and I would also like to know if white magic binds and has power over black magic?
Uncrossing herbs are herbs that break hexes. Please follow the links to the pages that provides examples.
Negative energy is neutralized by positive energy (and vice versa). Neither are more "powerful" than the other.
You do not have to see or talk to anyone. You can do this yourself. There are people who remove curses for a cost. We do not keep a directory of those here though. I am sure if you visit your local metaphysical shop, they can point you in the right direction.
It seams that you have a generational curse. You have to cut the ties from past life to brake this curse.
So how do I stop a curse that's a few generations old and I have no idea who placed a curse on my family?
It doesnt matter who placed the curse. What matters is that you write the words of the curse as in poverty. Loss things like this then over the top write curse broken. Then burn it. Watch it banish
So I have been feeling drained and the sense of being watched. Plus also as if "someone" walking towards me but no one is there. I get this uneasy negative feeling always around me. Is there anything I can do to cleanse my aura?
I have the same feeling …..
Yes. Carry anise seeds, and bay leaf in a red bag to keep the evil eye away
I have experienced a extremely heavy energy that you can feel come into the room to the point that the barometric pressure of the air in the room makes your ear want to pop. You feel somebody is watching you. Also we see these balls of light orbs through our night vision home security camera. These orbs bounce around off the ground, etc. We also seen black shadow figure in our house. The energy was extremely negative. On two occasions, I felt this heavy energy come into my room right when I had just laid down for bed and I was pinned down twice I could not move or scream. I could not do anything at all. Next day I was bruised in my groin area on each upper inside thigh by groin area. I then moved out of that house. I couldn't take it no more!
Ok you have grey aliens smudge the house with white sage for 7 days two to 3 times per day. As well as burning 1 white candle and one yellow candle per day in prayer of alien removal. Also take sea salt epsom salt apple cider vinagar and baking soda in bath. Then do a clean rub down to your whole bodies to removal all alien activities. Good luck. Note. Spray down the outside of the house and roof of house with sea salt and vinagar to vlose all outside portals.
Your links are all gone can u tell me what you meant by journey to break curse and what is fetish curses
A fetish is an object that contains a spirit.
A journey is like an active meditation for finding things or learning things.
The method is described in the article.
Hi, recently my fiance has been going through alot of misfortune and I think someone has cursed him. Almost everytime he eats he claims he sees a single black beetle like bug appear at random. Our dogs have had ticks (around the same time he began seeing the beetles) and we've spent over $500 on medicine, sprays, vet visits, fumigation and they keep coming back. He has this uneasy feeling constantly and I dont know why he's been feeling like this or why he's going through this. I dont know where else to go and I wanted your opinion as to if this could be a curse or not. Thank you.
It could be. Most of the time these sorts of things wear off as the angry party becomes less angry. What you are describing seems like these are multiple spells or spell "recharges". If he's pissing someone off enough to curse him, he's re-pissing them off so that they are recharging. Who is it he keeps pissing off by action or omission of action? The best way to prevent being cursed is to treat others with kindness and fairness. That all being said, a general home protection spell and some basic "evil eye" precautions would probably be helpful. And keep your dogs out of tall grass. from boyfriend is married..i mean dat witch done black magic on him and married him..everyone know that but no one can go againset her..that lady may be feed him her menses bllod mix to food or drink too..
But he actually dont love her..there horyscope also not matching at all..there are separate but live same home..she has another man too..but my boyfriend dont try to devorse..week ago he hardly wanted to go another home..but again that stupid lady done something..
He changed his mind again..he knows she doin this to him..he loves me and i never ever try to do these kind things to win him bcz i feel something bad happen to him
I tottaly live for him..that wife is full of bad carachter but suddenly my boy changed …please tell me what i should do for him..
I love him all my heart..not lust..i dont want to do love black magic on me..what i want id protect him..and leave her from his life..all is she keep him only from black magics.. pls tell us me ehat to do..pls help me..pls help..he will die bcz of that bitch feed so many after doing black spells
First, he has to want it. It would help if he would stop eating what she feeds him as, if it is as you say, it's a binding spell. I suggest you find a practitioner who can break the astral link. There are many methods for doing this and they vary by tradition. A method that a white girl from the Midwest describes is going to be quite different from what a specialist in Sri Lanka would do. Look for someone local to you for help. There are invisible threads that must be cut and HE is responsible for maintaining the cuts. If he doesn't want it, it won't work.
I've spoken to an psychic recently and have been told that I have been bewitched by someone close to my parents shortly after my birth. Also an different psychic was tryna tell me something about my mama before the end of our session and I'm concerned that it's my mother who actually did it. I could be wrong, it may be a friend of hers. But I know that no matter how hard I try or how much I find success, it never last long, and it's been this way all my life. I'm an negative person always expecting the worst. Stressing and doubtful. But I want to change and live an happy healthy life with my family.
Tripl3G the first thing you should do is investigate find out who did it after that you then can find out what curse its most likely a Egyptian control curse to what degree I'm not certain but the only way to get rid of this curse is to look for and eygption bettle crush it and slip its abdomen under your tongue.
Morning bird I'm sorry to say that you do not know how to cure or break every living curse for 3,000 years my bloodline has be charged with a specific duty that of which I cannot say the reason it cannot be broken is because it was given by God himself answer me this how do you break a curse that doesn't stop till your death
I never said I did. Anyone who claims they do is a charlatan.