Cinnamomum zeylanicum and C. verum
General Information
The cinnamon tree is an Asian evergreen member of the laurel family. It has brown, papery bark and leathery leaves. Yellow flowers appear in the summer followed by purple berries. The best cinnamon is grown in Sri Lanka.
Cinnamon is a tropical tree that is not suited to propagation in most parts of North America and nor does it enjoy being grown in a pot. Best to buy it.
History and Folklore
Cinnamon is a much beloved spice with a long and rich history. It was mentioned in Chinese books on healing more than four thousand years ago. It was also used in Egypt and Europe. In Egypt it was part of a mix of herbs and spices that was used to fill body cavities during mummification. In Europe it was such a hit that it was one of the sparks of the age of exploration.
Harvesting & Storage
Cinnamon sticks, popularly used for flavoring cider or ground and mixed with sugar for a variety of uses, are formed from the bark. The leaves and buds also contain volatile oils and fragrance and oil can be extracted from any of these. The oil obtained from the leaf is not as strong and also not as likely to cause skin irritation.
Household Use
Add cinnamon to potpourri. Ground cinnamon sprinkled in cabinets will discourage bugs from entering.
Cinnamon sticks may be used to decorate crafts and gift wrap for Yule.
Cinnamon in Magick
Cinnamon is associated with the element of fire and the sun.
Cinnamon is commonly used in incense. It smells really good and fills the room with a warm, comfy feeling, especially nice on cold winter days. It can be burned to sanctify an area or object, to increase the spiritual "mood", to aid in healing spells or in healing in general (this is appropriate for burning right in the sick room) and also to enhance the male libido. The oil may be used to anoint objects during blessing and protection rituals. (Be sure to dilute this heavily with a carrier if it's going to touch your skin!)
Cinnamon and cinnamon oil can be used in love spells and to make charms to draw love, happiness, and money. Those cinnamon scented brooms you can buy at gift shops can be charged to bring these things to your household and hung up somewhere near the door.
If you are in need of some quick cash, make a bowl out of cinnamon clay, write the amount of money you need on a piece of paper and place it in the bowl with a few coins as offerings of good faith. when you get the money, bury the paper and the coins in the yard and your bowl is ready for your next money request.
Other herbs that enhance cinnamon's money drawing properties are cloves, cardamom, nutmeg and ginger.
Healing Attributes
Cinnamon is great for upset stomachs, including car sickness and morning sickness, and digestive problems, including gas, vomiting and diarrhea. However, women who are pregnant should not ingest large amounts of cinnamon as it can endanger the pregnancy. I find cinnamon gum or to be very effective for morning sickness without the dangers of actually ingesting cinnamon tea. People with ulcers should also avoid ingesting cinnamon as it can irritate them. Again, chewing cinnamon gum occasionally is a reasonable alternative and effective against mild stomach upsets like that associated with motion sickness. Don't overdo it though, as over-chewing of cinnamon gum can deaden the nerves of the mouth and cause inflammation.
It is called for in teas and other healing beverages when a warming affect is desired. It is also useful in combination as it stimulates the action of other herbs. A cup of cinnamon tea after dinner is said to stimulate digestion and help regulate blood sugar.
Cinnamon should not be applied topically as it is considered a dermal toxin and it is extremely irritating to mucus membranes in particular. Cinnamon oil, however, (not essential oil) can be applied to a toothache to deaden the pain, much like clove oil, but it is not as effective as clove oil.
Culinary Use
Cinnamon is a common spice in the kitchen often used in combination with sugar. It is especially tasty with apples, and orange squashes, such as pumpkin and acorn squash. It is an important mulling spice, great in cider and wine.
For an exotic flavor, try coating your chicken with cinnamon (no sugar) and browning it before adding stewed tomatoes and chopped peppers, heat and serve over rice. It's an important spice for savory dishes in India, Morocco and Greece. Also try adding cinnamon to your hot cocoa for a Mexican flair.
Learn More
Cinnamon Information at Kitchen Witch Corner
See Also
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Do you have a question or something to add?
I was hoping to find some information about Cinnamon Brooms here. I am looking for the folklore and reasons for using them.
There is an old tradition that a broom, hung or leaned bristle side down against a door keeps out evil spirits. Adding cinnamon makes it a stronger talisman, blocking the bad from getting in while inviting good, most specifically money. Additionally, cinnamon brooms are usually made of pine (although a traditional witches broom is usually made of willow or birch) which is also used for banishing evil spirits. And here's a thing: Many banishing spells ignore one very important fact; when you get rid of a thing, you create a vacuum, space for more things (or that thing to come back) you have to replace the thing and that's where the cinnamon broom is a pretty handy talisman. Not only does it banish the bad stuff, invites good stuff.
But where did it come from?
I have seen cinnamon brooms sold as the Rais Broom of Calela, advertised thusly: "To sweep the Hindrance of Refusal and negative influences from the home or business and increase your luck." at many websites, but they do not provide a source for the quote so I am left to comb through etymological sources to try to unravel this mystery. In Arabic and African languages "ra'is" or "raees" is a title for someone of noble standing, implying either wealth or power or both, but it is probably more significant that the "reis" was once the name of a unit of exchange (like the "dollar") in Brazil and Portugal. And what is Calela? I would assume a person or place. There is a tourist town in Spain called Calella. Spain is influenced by both Portugal and the Arabic world, but really this connection seems to be a dead end. Unless I can find the origin of the above-mentioned quote, I'm afraid I can't go much further with this line of research.
Some cinnamon brooms are sold with a Biblical reference (Exodus 30 if you'd like to look it up.) which talks about building altars, making anointing oils and burning incense & etc. but, although cinnamon and its close relative cassia are mentioned in the verse. This has a definite Hoodoo flavor to me, based on my limited knowledge of Hoodoo, I believe you would use the cinnamon broom to sweep an area while saying the verse in order to purify the area and also bring in some of the cinnamon's good energy.
Most people buy cinnamon brooms as decorations and because they make the house smell nice and bring in prosperity and keep the energy positive.
If you find anything out, please let me know. I too am interested to learn more about the history, folklore, origination, etc. of cinnamon brooms.
Could it be that 'calela' isn't right spelled and instead they mean 'canela' which means cinnamon in spanish?