Date Varies, anywhere from July 31 to August 7th. Or the first full moon in Leo, the end of the first harvest and the start of the cool-weather planting season.

First harvest is a generic, inclusive term for any variety of harvest festivals celebrated at this time of year within Pagan and magico-religious communities.

Related Festivals Lughnassadh, Lughnassa, Lammas, Loafmass, Nos Gwyl Awst, First Harvest, Sabbat of the First Fruits, August Eve, Lammastide, Harvest Home, Ceresalia, Feast of Bread, Festival of Green Corn, Feast of Cardenas, Cornucopia, Thingtide, Elembiuos.

According to Celtic mythology, Lugh established the Lughnasadh games and festival in honor of his foster mother, Tailtiu who died of exhaustion clearing a field for him, in order that their people could be fed. Thus, in many traditions, the festival includes games of skill. It is also traditionally a time to begin trial marriages to be made permanent, or terminated at the following year's festival.

Now is the time of ripening. The new life within the mother is now noticeable and not to be denied. The Great Father is weakening and will soon die. But within the Mother and all around the Earth there is nothing but the evidence of abundant life. It is through his sacrifice that it is all possible.

Some Pagan faiths do not visualize the God and Goddess in this particular way, but they may still honor the Grain God in one form or another. He is slain, cut down with the harvest and his body transformed into life-giving sustenance for his people. The first harvest, and/or the first loaf of bread from the first harvest is blessed and shared among the people.

This day marks the beginning of autumn. Though the Sun still shines strong, blanketing the Earth in his warmth, we know that winter is right around the corner.

*Incense- rose, rosemary, chamomile, passionflower, frankincense, sandalwood
*Colors- Red, orange, gold, yellow, green, brown
*Stones- Yellow diamond, aventurine, sardonyx, peridot, citrine
*Animals- Roosters, calves, pheonix, griffons, basilisks, centaurs
*Plants and Herbs- corn, rice, wheat, rye, ginseng, acacia, aloe, cyclamen, fenugreek, heather, hollyhock, myrtle, oak leaves, sunflower, rose hips
*Symbols- Corn, grains, corn dolly, sun discs, loaves of bread, harvesting tools, the full moon, wicker man
*Food- Corn, rice, homemade bread, fresh fruits & vegetables, berries, nuts, barley cakes, roasted lamb, summer squash, turnips, oats, elderberry wine, ale, meadowsweet tea, cider.

*Gods and Goddesses- Lugh, Llew Llaw Gyffes, Ceres, Demeter, John Barleycorn, Adonis, Tammuz

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