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Well, I know how it is. But I'm finding out true love is all around us and within ourselves. To search for it in others generaly leads to trouble. The only truth we can count on is the one of our hearts ans soul. And if you can live this true love, nurtring it from you to others, especial people will come to you. Know thyself, spread love…. And all will come back times three.
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You are right but I give love all the time and surround myself loving life nature helping people and love myself my true light is in me.I love people more than they love themselves.But the 3 times rule but chasing love you are right bad things happen I am Wiccan and I am not a ugly girl but seems sometimes i am cursed.I have a person whom is in love with me but wont step forward.So sadly I wait.Met him at a Roller scating rink long time ago .but send me some good luck please cause I sure need it.Until than I wait.Thank you for taking out your time for me blessed it be!
I love by the 3 times rule