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It's not Karma. Karma is an Eastern concept that has more to do with being the best you you can be, and not so much with being nice and it has to do with reincarnation, not things that happen to you.
Now that that's out of the way… well, there's all kinds of black magick too. There are a few definitions for black magick, one involves using violent means to raise energy, one involves sending negative energy to others, either of these can have similar effects because it's really all about energy. Whenever you manipulate energy, that energy gets all over you and it's going to affect your own energetic vibration. So, when you send out hateful energy or "bad" energy, your own energy takes on the flavor of that energy too. You can't use any kind of energy without it altering your own vibration. Yes, you can clean it off a bit and counteract it with super positive energy, but honestly, people with super positive energy aren't going to be very good at black magic and the more black magic you do, the more difficult it's going to be to get your own energy back to a comfortable vibration afterward.
Well, like attracts like so whatever energy you send out, you also attract. In a sense, when you curse another person, you curse yourself. People will sense that energy, even if they don't realize it or understand it, and treat you accordingly. When you cast positive spells for yourself, it will take that much more positive energy to bring about a positive effect because you have to get through the garbage first. Negative energy can manifest in many ways, it might not even be noticeable at first, especially if you follow up with a good cleansing and raise positive energy for yourself, but the more negative spells you send out and the more negative energy you raise, the more it builds up and becomes a part of your personal energy, attracting more, feeding on itself.
This happens on much smaller levels every day. Every action has a cause and an effect. When you radiate positive energy, people feel that and give you more positive energy. Positive energy easily neutralizes negative energy, and small setbacks are easily overcome or brushed off. Even pain hurts less when you are in a positive state. If you're running around with negative energy, nobody wants to give you anything or even be around you. Setbacks become major, even if they're minor and minor illnesses can become serious disease. It affects your whole body and every aspect of your life. All of these things cause negative feelings, which affect your energy further. Downward spiral and all that.
What an amazing answer! I would like to ask about those who do very downright disgusting things to get black magic done on others- sacrificing animals, drinking menstrual blood etc, ( believe me there are people out there doing this)just to gain the power to harm others out of envy and jealousy. They get so much power that they can cause serious damages in others lives. I have seen this myself. What about this karma? How does one stop them?
Plz email me your response. Thanx!
I don't know if I would call the use of your own menstrual blood disgusting and its use probably shouldn't be put in the same category as the use of animal and human body parts for black magick, it has many uses and men can use their semen for similar purposes, but it doesn't gain power. How is using your own stuff going to give you anymore power than you already have? It's usually used to create a personal connection or to bring an intention to life using your personal life force. I don't see anything wrong with that. Just esthetics. It should be noted that the use of blood and animal parts in "black" magick is done as often for healing purposes as for cursing as well as to improve one's fortunes in a variety of ways- including breaking curses. And curses don't necessarily require blood/death, etc. Honestly, I've cursed, and it didn't require bits. Not to say it couldn't. After all, I raise my own animals for meat, why shouldn't I use some of the extra for spellwork? What is the difference between chopping off a chicken's head so my family can eat it or chopping off a chicken's head so my family can, say, pay the mortgage? It's all about survival, isn't it? So far I've only used eggs, but now you have me thinking. I have thought about haruspicy, but I'm usually examining entrails for signs of disease in my herd or flock, so I'm not sure my mind can go from there to divination; right now when I look at organs I'm trying to decide if I need to treat for cocci or if maybe I need to cut back on calcium or limit calories. I guess it's much the same.
Honestly, if you eat meat, you've got no business sneering.
Karma, I repeat, is an Eastern concept that has nothing to do with this. However, if someone spends all their time thinking up bad things to do to other people, the energy they are cultivating is hardly going to bring them joy. Sex and money isn't joy, though for some people, it's enough.
You break a black magick curse the same way you break any other curse. Though some traditions require a sacrifice.
A blood oath is a bit of a different thing but it's generally entered into willing parties all around and is more like a contract. Contracts can be more difficult to break than a curse. The only reason I can think of to drink someone else's menstrual blood would be for binding purposes (to bind the drinker to the producer of the blood), but if we think about menstrual blood from a magical perspective it's like semen and for some reason people don't get nearly as worked up about semen as they do about menstrual blood. I wonder why that is. Aren't they both essentially "sacrificed babies"?
Double standards.