What to do when a plant grown as part of a spell dies naturally as part of its lifecycle as an annual?
What to do when a plant grown as part of a spell dies naturally as part of its lifecycle as an annual?
I performed a spell to have luck in my life grow and included planting seeds in the ritual signifying the growing luck with the growing plant. The plant is an annual and will naturally give seeds and die by winter even if brought indoors (keeping it indoors might even hurt it as it requires a lot of sun). What should I do to continue my luck after the plant's natural lifecycle ends? Will I keep the luck gained by the spell anyway? Or, will my luck die with the plant?
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Spells wear off. If you add heat to water, it only stays warm for so long before it returns to room temperature. That's how spells work. You're supposed to take action during the effect of the spell to bring about lasting change, or you can keep putting energy into it to keep it going (but the former is a lot less work) Plants planted as a part of a spell are programmed to keep the energy going, like repeating the spell would- sort of. I mean, it's more like a beacon… but, you hopefully get the idea. But even if the plant didn't die, this effect would slowly wear off eventually unless it was "re-charged" by repeating the spell. Your luck won't "die" with the plant, the energy will still be out there, but it will slowly dissipate. (Sort of) So take advantage of it while it's fresh, it will peak with the fruiting of the plant!
My recommendation is that you save the seeds and plant them again next year, repeating the spell. Make it a ritual, maybe mark one of the spring Sabbats with it. Each time you repeat this, it'll be more powerful as the seeds will gradually become more and more naturally attuned to your intention with each seasonal repetition. And, more importantly, so will you.
Thank you. That's perfectly in tune with what I was thinking. I'm glad to have a reinforcement so I know that I'm not going off base here. I appreciate your taking time to respond.
Blessed be
If you don't mind me asking, How exactly did you do the ritual?
Basically, it started with a blessing to the goddess, god, and nature and was followed with meditation over the seeds, soil, and pot with focus on luck "sprouting" in my life as the seeds sprouted, growing as the plant grows. Ended with thanks and blessing to the gods and nature.
That's the general overview, anyway. It was about a 2 hour work.