What to do if a huge Spell fails, and how to find out why it failed?
What to do if a huge Spell fails, and how to find out why it failed?
I cast a very personal Spell that has been built up to for two months, and tomorrow (which is in two hours) I will find out if it worked or not. I'm sure I did everything correctly when casting the Spell, and I have successfully cast at least one Spell before, so if this one fails, how do I find out where I messed up, and is there a way to reconcile it?
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First, you're thinking too much about it. The more you think about it, the more you inject your ego and doubts into it, the more likely it is to go awry. That doesn't mean fail necessarily, but it could. When you cast a spell, you should forget about it, unless it needs to be repeated, of course. Just walk away, secure in the knowledge that you have completed that task toward your goal as well as you possibly could and move on to the next. If it doesn't work, after that, well, you have to be prepared to be wrong once in awhile, that's okay. You try again.
If a spell fails, most people use some form of divination to figure out what went wrong. But you know.
Thank you very much. I'll keep this in mind.