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The scent of basil encourages harmony. (annual) (full sun)
Sunflower attracts joyful energy. (annual) (full sun)
Betony planted near the home protects from curses and general bad luck and also spirits. - it does like sun but will tolerate some shade. (Perennial) (Full sun to part shade)
Oregano will help protect a home from evil forces, it's a good ground cover, but not very ornamental, though it does bloom. (Perennial) (Full sun)
Feverfew prevents evil from entering the home. (Perennial) (Full sun)
Angelica planted in your yard will protect your property from evil. (Bienniel) (Full Sun to Part Shade)
False indigo can be planted around the home for general protection, especially of pets, but ensure that it is not in a place children and pets spend time because it's quite toxic (since my children and pets spend most of their time in the fenced back yard, I plant most of my toxic plants in the front). (Full Sun to Part Shade) (Perennial, potentially invasive)
Hyssop also has protective properties, though it is usually used as a wash, its presence growing outside the home can't hurt.
phlox isn't exactly protective, but its presence growing around the home encourages those inside to work together harmoniously. And it's beautiful and readily available at many nurseries. (full sun)
If you have room for trees or shrubs:
Holly planted near the home will protect those inside from curses and the home itself from lightening.
Honeysuckle planted near the home attracts love, luck and wealth.(full sun to part shade)
A hawthorn hedge will protect against evil spirits, and lightening.
Blackberry protects against vampires. But it's not very ornamental. (Full sun to part shade.)
I would add rosemary, aloe vera, dill, lemongrass, garlic, bamboo, and juniper to the list but you'd have to check which climate zones work for these.