What kind of omen is rain?
What kind of omen is rain?
I haven't really tried to research on rain itself and I thought to make a question. One thing I know is that, 4 weddings I have personally been to which was raining that day, ended up in divorce…..I was prompted to ask my question because as I was standing outside today I saw two magpies flying together and I felt like saying a charm/wish. A few minutes later it rained lightly. Could that rain indicate some kind of negative message?
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As with all omens, it depends what you believe.
Traditionally, rain on a wedding day is considered good luck, but maybe people were just trying to be optimistic. I think more likely people were connecting rain with fertility as (traditionally) the whole point of a wedding was to provide a man with his own personal baby gestating device. Now that weddings mean something different, I think it might behoove us to look at wedding omens differently too.
The King of the Gods is generally a sky God. Like Zeus (and Hera), and Jehovah- sky gods, rain, thunder, lightening, etc. So, to me, rain, assuming it is an omen and not just rain, indicates the attention of the most high, for good or for ill. Rain is very expressive, so you should be able to tell if it's good or bad by the mood the rain is expressing.
Thank you morningbird. Your belief that rain is very expressive and we should be able to tell if it's good or bad by the mood the rain is expressing sounds very logical. (although to me Jehovah is nothing but a bloodthirsty deity and I dont even put him anywhere close to the Olympian deities..)
*shrug* I didn't say I liked him, or that he had anything to do with the Olympians, I just said he was a sky God. Like all Sky Gods, he has a reputation for using weather to get his point across. And since he was the dominant deity in the places where the "rain on your wedding day is good luck" belief originated, for centuries, it stands to reason that it was his opinion that the people who perpetuated the omen we concerned about.