What is the proper way to dress/anoint a candle with oil?
What is the proper way to dress/anoint a candle with oil?
Are you supposed to start at the base of the candle and work to the wick?
<-|-> Middle to wick then middle to base?
->|<- Wick to middle then base to middle?
I've read so many different ways and I would like to know the proper way so I'm not pushing something away when I'm actually trying to attract it and vise versa.
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Don't stress it. I have read several different ways to anoint a candle and I still do it the same way I've been doing it my whole life. You do what feels right to you. I dip my finger in the oil and run it down the candle wick to base while focusing on my intention, do a quarter turn clockwise, repeat until I feel like I'm done. I might go counter clockwise if I'm banishing, but if I don't, there's so much more to the spell, it's not a big deal. Sometimes if I'm having trouble focusing, I'll make up a little rhyme to repeat that states my intention. I know, this is just another way to do it out of the million ways you've seen. The point is, it's not that serious. Don't allow minutiae to interfere with doing stuff.