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Saturn energy is firm and stark. It is all about immutable laws and boundaries. It also brings to mind the Underworld, and the certainty of death. Saturn plants are often toxic and they often grow in places that are inhospitable to other plants; very dry or boggy areas, shady spots, etc. Many Saturn plants are hallucinogenic. Saturn minerals are heavy and dark and also sometimes toxic (like lead)
As for Earth, that is a much broader category and some Saturn herbs and minerals also correspond to the Earth element. Earth energy is primarily concerned with the material, basic survival, life and death. Earth herbs are often nourishing, especially the types of food plants you'd think of as "staples", like grains and potatoes. They also might grow near or under the Earth and/or have an Earthy scent. Earth stones tend to be heavy and dark, like Saturn stones, but there are green stones in the mix, and, of course, salt.
You will find some conflicting information on websites because these categories are largely arbitrary. Plants and stones that were well known in ancient Europe have well-established correspondences, though even these can have some overlap because the ancients didn't always agree, but plants that are native to the Americas are much more open to interpretation as they are less likely to be addressed in the ancient pharmacopoeia. It is also important to remember that some plants have different parts that correspond to different energies. Their roots, for example, may have very different qualities than their fruit.
I tell my students to spend some time meditating on the energy they wish to cultivate, to wallow in it, if you will, and then try to connect with the plants and stones at their disposal to find the ones that best match that energy.