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'Once a witch, always a witch', they say; Witches are reincarnated as witches in all their future lives as well. If you have any doubts about this, you could try past life regression therapy. I always recommend it to my fellow witches.In any case, I'm going to send you some healing energy, because I really want you to get better. Cheer up,
What happens to anyone once they die? Witchcraft is a craft. That question is one that is answered by religion, or maybe science. Personally, I'm scientific minded and I don't believe matter or energy can be created or destroyed, merely change form. When I die, I will become part of All that Is, which is pretty awesome. But there are witches who believe in heaven, Hel, the Summerland, reincarnation, Hades, all sorts of things. Depends on your cosmological worldview.
Like they say, "To Each Their Own". My personal opinion and belief is that we are created from the past, present and future from every particle of this universe- never do we die. We keep the circle of life generated and ever-eternal. As for our natural gifts, will we still have them? That also would depend on what position in life you take on next. If you are reborn as a dragonfly, you would take on the gifts of that species. I cant imagine a dragonfly casting spells over a candle, etc. I believe also that its possible we will be reborn according to our faith. My faith is what I just explained, so that is what my next journey will be. Afterall Im a witch. I have my free will. The next person may believe he/she will be a ghost and watch over their family, the next person may believe they are going through the pearly gates of heaven. So be it! Write your own ending or your new beginning. On a new note I believe the same senario in this life as well. For example: I dont believe in faeries, so I dont have experience with faeries. However the next person does believe in faeries and have experienced them. Faith is a universal tool. Be silent and let your Spirit guide you.