What candle, oil and incense to use when casting a separation spell
What candle, oil and incense to use when casting a separation spell
I am casting a separation spell. I will cast my circle but when calling the elemental powers I want to use a scented stick for the purpose of separation for the element of air. I want to use a candle for separation as the south element. And for element of earth use Salt, and well water for the element of water. But I'm wondering if a black candle is good, and maybe Jasmine scented stick is good?
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My personal choice goes to to this incense I prepare on a Tuesday, during the first nightly hour of Mars or Saturn (the one that comes first in your preferences for these ends) possibly on new or waning moon:
I'll use two black (N and S) and two red (E and W) candles. Spell to be cast on a Tuesday or a Saturday during the first nightly hour of Venus, better during new or waning moon.
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I don't know if I'd use Venus(Jasmine). I'd prefer Saturn or Mars but it would depend, I think, on the details surrounding the situation. But I second that incense recipe. Peppercorns stand out as a perfect choice for this and black pepper oil is a favorite of mine. I might use Asafoetida or Galbanum if I had some on hand, but I don't usually. I would indeed choose black candles, but the suggestion of red also is a good one, in my mind.