Thoughts on first altar set up. For a while now I have been thinking of setting up a altar. My question is more of a what is
Thoughts on first altar set up. For a while now I have been thinking of setting up a altar. My question is more of a what is
Thoughts on first altar set up.
For a while now I have been thinking of setting up a altar.
My question is more of a what is your constructive opinion on this set up.
I would like to honor Venus and Mercury. The plan is to have a cloth on which there would be the 4 elements in each respective direction. A candle for male and female. Venus and correspondence on female side and same with Mercury. Then add wand, chalice, incence and salt water.
Being a noob/Neophyte, please share thoughts in simple terms I won't be offended.
I was unsure if having two gods on one altar would cause conflict??? But have same dad (Jupiter) and are different genders.
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A Witch's altar is very personal and what you put on it should be what is meaningful to you and what is useful to you. There are some specific guidelines in some traditions, but if you belong to one of them, you'd know better than me.
Many altars honor more than one God. I have Zeus and Hera on my main altar, and I have Hades, Persephone and Hecate on my ancestor altar. I know that many of the Roman Gods absorbed the lore of their Greek counterparts and I know that Aphrodite, who corresponds to Venus, and Hermes, who corresponds to Mercury, had a child called Hermaphroditus who embodied both male and female. They weren't married or partnered, but they also didn't conflict (though some versions of the story say that she was manipulated into the affair), so if these are the Gods who speak to you, there's no reason they can't share altar space.