So... I am debating if I should look further into this.. I have a strange connection to the Summer because of sign thoughts?
So… I am debating if I should look further into this.. I have a strange connection to the Summer because of sign thoughts?
An old woman confronted to me today and called me The Child of Summer and The Gemini Cain.
I looked that up and it is the biblical representation of the Gemini Adam and Eve's sons.
I honestly wasn't sure about joining the Wiccan faith until this happening.
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This is interesting, but has nothing to do with Wicca. First off, Wicca's not Christian and it also doesn't have a monopoly on Astrology. Far from it. Our modern Western Astrology has gone through some twists and turns, but it's Middle Eastern via the Mediterranean and Greece. Sure, a lot of Wiccans practice Astrology, but so do lots of Christians, Atheists and Polytheists. (I suspect your old woman was Christian based on her words.) I'm not saying this to dissuade you. But if it's astrology you're interested in, it's astrology you should be studying. Going the Wicca route to astrology seems like a long, unnecessary side trip.
Gemini is about Castor and Pollux, I have never heard of Cain and Abel referred to with regard to Gemini (and I'm a Gemini) but I have never really been privy to Christian mysticism, so there's a good chance I've missed something there. But Gemini are twins… and cooperative, and Cain and Abel were neither as far as I know.
I haven't met a Gemini yet who didn't love everything about summertime, and long for it, and feel most alive during summer time (and maybe even a little bit dead in winter). I'm sure there's one out there somewhere, but he/she isn't hanging out with me.