Should menstruation match with the right moon phase? and can a witch do spell work during her cycle or just meditate?
Should menstruation match with the right moon phase? and can a witch do spell work during her cycle or just meditate?
My cycle this month fell on the new moon but other times it falls during the waning moon which I have read that's when it actually should! I have also read that during menstruation it's a time when energies are not about the outside 'normal' world and it's more for contemplating and unravelling any messages coming to us during our cycle…What do you think? any more input into this?
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While it is possible that the moon can have some effect on our menstrual cycles, there are many other factors that have stronger effects. A woman's cycle changes throughout her life as hormone and activity levels change. The amount of fat in your diet and the other women you hang out with can even affect your menstrual cycle. Unless you are a hermit who eats only the ideal diet and have never birthed or breastfed a child, hormones are going to have a much stronger effect on your cycle than the moon ever will. Also, while 28 days is the average menstrual cycle length, most women do not have a 28 day cycle. Also, the moon's cycle isn't exactly 28 days either. So, even if all things were perfect, you cycle would only sometimes seem to line up with the moon.
There are different schools of thought regarding magick during menstruation. Some believe women to be exceptionally powerful during this time but it would seem the energies are not as easy to control and direct. There are many tribal taboos against women handling tools or food during this time, lest they be contaminated with the woman's energies making them useless or unhealthy for anyone else to use, or lest she inadvertently absorb the magic within them, also rendering them useless. Both of these examples are traditionally seen as woman-shaming, but I feel that they give us a deeper look at beliefs about female energy. Female energy absorbs, takes in, transforms and this special time is a time when female energy rules. Also, I feel like a girl deserves a break once in awhile and if that means no touching other peoples' food or tools, I am off to the red tent and you can make your own dinner!
I believe that focusing inward during menstruation is the way to go, but mostly because that's what I feel like doing during that part of my cycle. Listen to your own body and personal inclinations. Don't go by what you've read, but what your own nature tells you.That is what is right for you.
I agree morningbird. I do listen to my body most of the time. Though, just yesterday while searching for information, I read that when a woman menstruates it usually matches with the new moon phase and was kinda glad about that, if it is as accurate as it seems to be.
The cycle comes in 4 phases:
Menstruation (days 1-7) - Winter – Dark/New Moon - Crone
Pre-Ovulation (days 7-14) - Spring – Waxing Moon - Maiden
Ovulation (days 14-21) - Summer - Full Moon - Mother
Pre-Menstruation (days 21-28) - Autumn – Waning Moon – Mother/Crone
That link isn't working for me but I'm interested in reading more about it.
Still though, the 28 day menstrual cycle is an average, most women's cycles have no hope of matching up to moon phases. The cycles of healthy women under normal circumstances vary from 21 to 45 days. Women with PCOS or malnutrition, athletes and breastfeeding women, and peri-menopausal women can have even longer cycles.
I just realised this too-the link doesn't work perhaps because I tried this page's URL link to post it. l'm posting it again but this time just copy it and paste it on the search bar and it should work:
and here are some other important links that I found as well:
How to sync your menstrual cycle with the moon cycle:
I have also read this a few times and it's on the link below it (and kinda makes sense too)..:
''When women live together in natural settings, their ovulations tend to occur at the time of the full moon, with menses and self-reflection at the dark of the moon.''
Yes, it's true that some women have longer cycles, though it's not really normal..45 days is a sign of thyroid and hormonal issues. From what I figured, our cycle does not have to match right on the appropriate moon phase but at least close to it.
This thread is a bit old, now, but as a matter of interest, my female Doctor told me that it's natural that women should only menstruate a few times during their lifetime if we lived as our ancestors did. In times gone by, they would have been pregnant or breastfeeding, and dying in their forties or fifties. Therefore, the modern 'curse' of monthly period is largely as a result of us living longer, having children later (I.e not as soon as we bleed) and effective contraception. It's therefore probably not something our spiritual ancestors had to think too much about, so if you want to align your menstrual cycle with the moon, that's an interesting thought but not one the ancient pagans would have recognised as they didn't menstruate more than a few times in their short lives. I'm all for long gaps, roll on the menopause!