Protection spells and consent - how to know if we are overstepping our boundaries?
My sister's mother-in-law is a known witch in her community that openly dislikes my sister. My sister has found red threads sewn into her clothes and is having a hard time with her husbands behaviour becoming more and more verbally hostile(amongst other strange things happening). I was thinking of creating a witch's bottle for my sister, but I am afraid to ask her if she would like one. Because she had had bad experiences with her in-law she might get scared of me for knowing things related to witchcraft or she might feel reluctant in giving me "material" for it. Making one in secret would feel strange - like I was doing something wrong? Should I just focus on a prayer for her or do you have any other suggestion?
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It is generally considered good practice and good manners to get someone's permission before doing any spellwork on their behalf. You don't have to go into detail about what you are doing, in fact, you shouldn't, under the principle of "be silent", but you can say something like "I would like to do some protection work for you, if that's alright." and see what she says. It will be easier to get a taglock from her if she volunteers it anyway (Generally if you're sneaking around for taglocks, you're probably overstepping boundaries). If she is curious about your methods, you can invite her to be involved.