One day I found a wreath of sticks with some fairy lights ripped out of my courtyard on my doorstep. Ive had bad luck since. Hel
One day I found a wreath of sticks with some fairy lights ripped out of my courtyard on my doorstep. Ive had bad luck since. Hel
One day I found a wreath of sticks with some fairy lights ripped out of my courtyard wound in with it. I seem to have had bad luck since..can you tell me what this is?
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Most witches worth their salt create their own spells using symbols that are meaningful to them, so it is difficult to specify what a spell object is about if you don't know the person or, at the very least, the culture they come from. If you are having trouble, there are instructions on this site for uncrossing and breaking curses that will be helpful even if you're not cursed, as it's all about changing the energy in a situation. I'd give you a link, but the site's security features will not allow me. Just use the search box above and type in something like "break a curse" or "uncrossing" and you'll probably find what you need.