Nightmares come true
Nightmares come true
For many years now, I've been having nightmares that come true. It runs the gamut of problems, but what concerns me most are dreams of death for those close to me. They're not common but once I dream it, it seems to come true within 3-4 monthseven in cases where death would not be expected for that person.
Am I killing those I love via my nightmares? Is there a way to stop this? Ideas, advice?
(Also, my good dreams rarely or never come true. And this proportion represents my life on the whole, I seem to be blocked and have lots of trouble.)
Thank you in advance
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Your dreams aren't killing anyone, you are just having premonitions. There is some disagreement about whether premonitions give you the chance to change the outcome or not (there are whole epics written on the subject.) but there are lots of people who have had dreams and then not gotten on planes that later crashed and suchlike, so take it as an opportunity to protect people, if you can.
Chances are, you are having "good" dreams that come true, they are just not memorable and so you forget about them. In truth, you probably don't remember at least half of your dreams(probably many more), which means you're going to forget at least half your dream premonitions too. The dreams you remember most are the ones that elicit a strong emotional response that wakes you up. We remember the dreams just before we awake best.
Hi, thanks for your response.
How do I protect people from my nightmares? I know little about witchcraft.
I also wonder if there's not something more sinister to my bad dreams coming true. As I said, I (and my family) have had almost exclusively bad circumstances for many years. And in the fall, especially, there seems to be an onslaught of trouble and tragedy, such that I've come to dread this time of year. This fall, in particular, seems to be very foreboding, based on my nightmares/signs. Any ideas?
Thank you~