Never-ending Bad Luck
Never-ending Bad Luck
(I know this topic is cliche, but—)
For at least the past 10 years (probably longer), my family and I, have had terrible, terrible luck in every way: jobs, friends, relationships, etc.
Speaking for myself, nothing ever works out well for me, and 'friends/lovers/acquaintances/coworkers' are regularly betraying me. I have tried everything I can think of to change my problems, but everything fails. Sometimes, something promising starts in my life, but before long, I find that it's the same old, and someone has screwed me over again.
Please don't tell me that it's my/our attitude, as you'll have to trust me, it's not.
At this point, I have become a strong believer in fate.
Any other ideas? Thanks.
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There are many reasons you could be experiencing your string of "bad luck" but know this, there is a reason. Nothing happens by chance. There's really no such thing as luck. Something has set this course in motion and something can interrupt it and turn it around.
I know you don't believe that attitude has anything to do with it, and it's entirely possible that you're correct, but we do create our own realities. Either you are putting out an energy that invites people to take advantage of you or your own expectations are setting up a scenario that creates a self-fulfilling prophecy of betrayal. Either of these situations can be remediated, but it takes more than "positive thinking". You have to have to change your vibration or change you expectations and these can take serious work.
The energy you are putting out (which may be attracting people prone to betrayal) can be affected by many things. Your past experiences is just one. Since you talk about your whole family having problems, it's possible that the family is under a curse, possibly a multi-generational one. A standard curse can be broken fairly easily (see How to Break a Curse ) but a multi-generational curse often comes with a stipulation that makes it difficult to break until the stipulation is met (like, until 7 generations have passed, or until a piece of property has left the family or whatever), but it can still be done. There is also the possibility that there is an object you all regularly come in contact with that is causing a change in your vibration and then all you have to do is figure out what it is and get rid of it.
Your own expectations change with your experiences, so a few bits of "bad luck" early on or being told by family members that you have bad luck at an early age can make you look for bad luck everywhere and create your own misfortunes through the magick of the self-fulfilling prophecy. Try to spend some time enjoying and appreciating the good things. Make it a habit. Keep a gratitude journal and you'll find your luck gradually changing over the course of several weeks or months.
Finally, and you're not going to like this:
I am troubled by this quote: Sometimes, something promising starts in my life, but before long, I find that it's the same old, and someone has screwed me over again. You've mentioned relationships with others 3 times as evidence for you bad luck. That sounds like a social problem, not a luck problem.
I want you to understand that people are basically self-interested. We generally do things for our personal benefit or because it feels good to us at the time. Very rarely are we doing things just to screw someone over. Most of us don't even put much thought into how things are going to affect anyone else, much less someone we didn't give birth to or who doesn't live with us. The fact that a Witch has to spend so much time clarifying intent and exploring cause and effect in order to be an effective Witch and that "empathy" can be a debilitating condition demonstrates how self-involved we are as a species- that we have to work hard to be able to see how our actions affect others, and those who naturally do can barely function without special training? Yea.
My point is, quit taking shit so personally. They aren't screwing you over, they're just not putting you in their equation. It's not about you, it's about them. Your taking their self-interest personally makes me think that you're not thinking much about THEIR interests either and if that is the case, well, if you don't care about them, why should they care about you?
What I don't understand is how the actions of other people are so tied up in your personal view of "luck". What are you doing for these people and what have they done to make you think that they owe you anything? Did they sign a contract with you? If I were concerned about being betrayed, I'd have some contracts at the ready.
And why does your life revolve around other people treating you well? What are you doing that relies on the confidences of others to be successful? Stop worrying about what other people are doing and focus on living your best life. People will be drawn to that and you can choose to let them in or not. Just remember that when it's time for them to leave of their own free will, you have to be gracious enough to let them go.