Is this a good sign or not?
Ok so I’ve been practicing since college but I’m not entirely sure if this is good or not. I cast a custom [revenge] break them up spell (please don’t judge) the red cadle was pretty small but the flame was tall and steady which I know means there’s a good amount of energy and behind the spell and a good sign of success. After finishing I cleaned my candle dish, which didnt have a single scratch on it, and stored it away. About a few days after when I needed it for another spell I took it out and it was broken clean in half. I’m not entirely sure if it’s a good sign since it is a break up spell and it could be a sign that they’ll break up. But I’ve heard that glass breaking DURING the casting isn’t a good sign but I also know of a case where the glass broke and the spell still worked. So any opinions on this would be greatly appreciated.
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If you thoroughly cleaned the dish, I see no reason to assume that its breakage had anything at all to do with the spell it was used for before the cleansing.
I’m just wonderinng why it broke all of the sudden, ‘cos I’ve used the same dish for large pillar candles burning 3 days straight and it didn’t even scratch it. And I’ve had glass broken on me before but it cracks and crackles over a few uses. This one (which was pretty thick) didn’t and it just broke straight in half with no shards or cracks while in my drawer.
I don't know. I am not familiar with your dish or the process you used to cleanse it after the spell. It is possible, I suppose, that a counter spell / or rebound effect might break an object associated with the original spell at a later date. But if the item still has residual energy, it could be from an earlier spell that it might still have energy from. It can be hard to say unless the item is specifically associated with that spell and just that spell, like a sympathetic object or a container holding spell components. I find with magick that it's best not to overthink it. Just cast your spell, assume the best and forget about it. Overthinking can really work against you. It scatters your energy. That's why we "keep silent".