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You can't just look at a book and tell that it's consecrated. I am afraid I may not understand the question.
as in "i wouldnt be able to perform the actions needed to consecrate my book because my parents would walk in and yell at me for doing some sort of ~devil spells~ or something"
Millions of witches perform rituals discreetly every day. I have no reason to believe you can't too. It's not loud and doesn't take much time or materials. I am assuming you mean your Book of Shadows? That's just a journal and you can keep it on your computer, or on the cloud if you want. Print it out later and put it in in a binder. Or don't. There's no need to complicate things.
That's such a great answer! No need to make it stressful. I do things very briefly - place my hand on things and summon up some positive energy and just say "thank you god and goddess for bringing me this, my book of shadows/ athame/ etc. I dedicate it to learning and wisdom in your names" or whatever else comes to mind. I can never remember spells and wording and it's a real mood killer to read it out of a book. It's all about intention, and intention can just be in your head. I read a wonderful comment from a member the other day who has no equipment at all - she visualises it on the astral plane and does her spell and rituals there. We are all one - the universe knows what is in your heart even if you have to hide it from others.
Thank you so much! My parents are just really freaked out by witchcraft because they think it's some freaky "getting possessed by demons and using an ouija board to summon satan" stuff, which is ridiculous.
Have you been practising long? Make sure you're committed before coming out, and of course you don't have to come out at all. Morningbird has written some lovely threads on "out of the broom closet", try reading those. My husband was tolerant but unsettled when I told him about practising the craft, and he's probably the only person I will tell, unless someone asks and I decide their question comes from a place of purity. Otherwise, I talk about doing things "for luck", which is a universally understood and "safe" thing. Most people are fine with "superstition" so you can explain things like a talisman in that way. Also, if you are a pagan or Druid you can talk about the wheel of the year in terms of general interest and thanksgiving. Showing positive intentions and gratefulness may help to soften their disposition. You cannot give an explanation to a mind that is not ready to receive it. Good "luck"! And blessings.