Is it weird to create my own path in witchcraft and name it?
Is it weird to create my own path in witchcraft and name it?
I've been practicing some sort of Wiccan-influenced witchcraft for about 15 years off and on. I realize that this type of witchcraft isn't for me anymore. Recently, I decided to create my own type of witchcraft path that focuses on a new way of doing magic (something separate from Wicca) and instead of calling myself "eclectic" (I hate that word) I've used a better description. Do you think this is weird? I'm solitary, so I have no idea if this is a weird thing to do in paganism. Plus, I'm not really teaching anyone my type of witchcraft except on my blog.
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Some people think so. But every path was created and named by someone, or some group of people.