Is it possible to be a Christian (believe in God) and still be a witch?
Is it possible to be a Christian (believe in God) and still be a witch?
I've always felt pulled towards witchcraft since a very young age, but I grew up in church and believing in God. I was always told that I should not consider witchcraft because it was "of Satan" and I would be punished and sent to Hell.
I, however, do not believe this (or I don't want to at least) So, in short, is it possible for me to believe in God but practice witchcraft as well?
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That depends on how you define "witch". There are many magickal systems that are Christian or at least Judeo-Christian. So many. Though many wouldn't like to be called "witchcraft" There's Brucherei, there's Ozark Granny Magick on the low magick side and theres TONS of Judeo-Christian high magick- Enochian Magick, Goetia… Lots of Gnostic stuff, Jewish mysticism. Tons of old spells involve prayers and Bible verses. The Bible is, in fact, loaded with magic.
But when it comes down to it, it's something you have to decide for yourself. Read your Bible- really read it, pray on it, and decide for yourself what's really forbidden and what's just propaganda.